Know about HPV Vaccine which will give protection against many type of Cancers
Know about HPV Vaccine which will give protection against
many type of Cancers
Millions of people, including teens, become infected with
human papillomavirus (HPV) each year. When HPV infections persist, people are
at risk for cancer
HPV is short for Human Papillomavirus, a common virus. In
the United States each year, there are about 17,500 women and 9,300 men affected
by HPV-related cancers. Many of these cancers could be prevented with
vaccination. In both women and men, HPV can cause anal cancer and mouth/throat (oropharyngeal)
cancer. It can also cause cancers of the cervix, vulva and vagina in women; and
cancer of the penis in men.
There are two vaccines licensed by the Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) and recommended by CDC to protect against HPV-related illness. All
vaccines used in the United States are required to go through extensive safety
testing before they are licensed by FDA. Once in use, they are continually monitored
for safety and effectiveness
For women, screening is available to detect most cases of
cervical cancer with a Pap smear. Unfortunately, there is no routine screening
for other HPV-related cancers for women or men, and these cancers can cause
pain, suffering, or even death. That is why a vaccine that prevents most of
these types of cancers is so important.
HPV vaccine is for boys too! This vaccine can help
prevent boys from getting infected with the types of HPV that can cause cancers
of the mouth/throat, penis and anus. The vaccine can also help prevent genital
warts. HPV vaccination of males is also likely to benefit females by reducing
the spread of HPV viruses.
HPV is a virus passed from one person to another during
skin-to-skin sexual contact, including vaginal, oral, and anal sex. HPV is most
common in people in their late teens and early 20s. Almost all sexually active
people will get HPV at some time in their lives, though most will never even
know it.
Most of the time, the body naturally fights off HPV, before
HPV causes any health problems. But in some cases, the body does not fight off
HPV, and HPV can cause health problems, like cancer and genital warts.
Genital warts are not a life-threatening disease, but they
can cause emotional stress, and their treatment can be very uncomfortable.
About 1 in 100 sexually active adults in the United States have genital warts
at any given time.
HPV vaccination is recommended for preteen girls and boys
at age 11 or 12 years
All preteens need HPV vaccination so they can be protected
from HPV infections that cause cancer. Teens and young adults who didn’t start
or finish the HPV vaccine series also need HPV vaccination. Young women can get
HPV vaccine until they are 27 years old and young men can get HPV vaccine until
they are 22 years old. Young men who have sex with other men or who have
weakened immune systems can also get HPV vaccine until they are 27.
HPV vaccination is a series of shots given over several months.
The best way to remember to get your child all the shots they need is to make
an appointment for the remaining shots before you leave the doctor’s office or
Is the HPV vaccine safe?
Yes. HPV vaccination has been studied very carefully and
continues to be monitored by CDC and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). No
serious safety concerns have been linked to HPV vaccination. These studies
continue to show that HPV vaccines are safe.
The most common side effects reported after HPV vaccination
are mild. They include pain and redness in the area of the arm where the shot was
given, fever, dizziness, and nausea. Some preteens and teens may faint after
getting a shot or any other medical procedure. Sitting or lying
down for about 15 minutes after getting shots can help prevent
injuries that could happen if your child were to fall while fainting
Serious side effects from HPV
vaccination are rare. Children with severe allergies to yeast or latex
shouldn’t get certain HPV vaccines. Be sure to tell the doctor or nurse if your
child has any
severe allergies
severe allergies
Numerous research studies have been conducted to make
sure HPV vaccines were safe both before and after the vaccines were licensed.
No serious safety concerns have been confirmed in
the large safety studies that have been done since HPV
vaccine became available in 2006. CDC and FDA have reviewed the safety
information available to them for both HPV vaccines and
have determined that they are both safe.
The HPV vaccine is made from one protein from the HPV
virus that is not infectious (cannot cause HPV infection) and nononcogenic
(does not cause cancer)
Why does my child need this now?
HPV vaccines offer the best protection to girls and boys
who complete the series and have time to develop an immune response before they
begin sexual activity with another person. This is not to say that your preteen
is ready to have sex. In fact, it’s just the opposite—it’s important to get
your child protected before you or your child have to think about this issue.
The immune response to this vaccine is better in preteens, and this could mean better
protection for your child.
One HPV vaccine (Gardasil) is recommended for boys. This vaccine
can help prevent boys from getting infected with the HPV-types that can cause
cancers of the mouth/throat, penis
and anus as well as genital warts
The HPV vaccine works extremely well. In the four years
after the vaccine was recommended in 2006, the amount of HPV infections in teen
girls decreased by 56%. Research has also
shown that fewer teens are getting genital warts since
HPV vaccines have been in use. In other countries such as Australia, research
shows that HPV vaccine has already decreased the
amount of pre-cancer of the cervix in women, and genital
warts have decreased dramatically in both young women and men.
Data from clinical trials and ongoing research tell us
that the protection provided by HPV vaccine is long-lasting. Currently, it is
known that HPV vaccine works in the body for at least 10 years without becoming
less effective. Data suggest that the protection provided by the vaccine will
continue beyond 10 years
HPV vaccines don’t negatively affect fertility
There is no evidence to suggest that HPV vaccine causes
fertility problems. However, not getting HPV vaccine leaves people vulnerable
to HPV cancers. If persistent high-risk HPV infection
in a woman leads to cervical cancer, the treatment of
cervical cancer (hysterectomy, chemotherapy, or radiation, for example) could
leave a woman unable to have children. Treatment for cervical pre-cancer could
put a woman at risk for problems with her cervix, which could cause preterm
delivery or other problems
Source – CDC US Department of Health
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Thursday, August 24, 2017
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