05 August 2017

Game of Thrones season 7 Episode 4 Leaked online

Game of Thrones season 7 Episode 4 Leaked online

Few days back HBO was hacked and no one knew what the hackers got into their hands.
But many believed that hackers must have got the script of Game of Thrones.

Now few hours ago a pirated copy of the upcoming Game of Thrones episode “The Spoils of War” started circulating across various file-sharing and streaming sites.
The leak appears to be an internal copy, carrying a watermark of "Star India."
The leak originated from Hotstar, the Indian streaming service where the show is aired ‘minutes after USA’.

The  leak copy of game of thrones season7 episode 4 which is being circulated on piracy websites lasts nearly 50 minutes. Star India watermarks appear on the file.

Star India is a large media company owned by 21st Century Fox, which broadcasts the popular HBO series locally.HBO acted fast and got hold on the situation and controlled the leak
Still Episode 4 is available but its poor quality.

Torrent Freak reported that Although the leak comes only a few days after the prominent HBO hack, the two might not be related. The leaked episode appears to be an internal release and is tagged with “For Internal Viewing Only” as well as a prominent “Star India Pvt Ltd” watermark.

If possible avoid watching leak copy of Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 4 once the Episode gets aired on television, see the episode as you wish.

It looks like Arya meets her elder sister Sansa in Episode No. 4

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Saturday, August 5, 2017

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HBO Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 4 Leak Watch Online Download