04 May 2017

BJP government shuts down school where Mahatma Gandhi studied

BJP government shuts down school where Mahatma Gandhi studied

India - Gujarat - Rajkot

ANI reported that Rajkot’s Alfred High School, where Mahatma Gandhi studied between 1880 and 1887, will soon be shut down as the students and teachers have been handed leaving certificates.

At age of 18, Mahatma Gandhi had graduated from this school in 1887.

The Gujarat government had issued a notification regarding the matter in August 2016, when it was decided that the school will be converted into a museum.

Gujarat government notification issued in 2016 which states that a museum on Mahatma Gandhi worth Rs 12 crore is to be created at Alfred High School or Mohandas Gandhi High School.

Today it says 12 crore but if corruption happens this budget will become more than Rs. 25 Crore.
Hike in Budget = Corruption Bribes paid to elected politicians and thus hike in Budget.

The state has asked for the students to be shifted to other schools, district education officer, Rajkot, Reva Patel, told The Indian Express. “We are complying with the government instructions and have started giving school leaving certificates to the students.”

It was founded on October 17, 1853 and later became a full-fledged high school.

The school was constructed during the British rule and was the first English school in Rajkot.

In 1907, the school’s name was changed from Rajkot English School to Alfred High School.

However, in honor of Mahatma Gandhi, after India’s Independence in 1947, the school was renamed Mohandas Gandhi High School.

As BJP government wants to rewrite history as per BJP agenda it is right thing to do.

It is duty of opposition parties to safe guard the school but they failed.

It is duty of Congress party to protect the school where Gandhi studied but Congress party failed to do that.

No school is better than the school in which Gandhi studied.
No school is better than the school where Dr. Babasaheb studied.
We need to protect such school, houses everything where historical figures stayed, studied.

Reality views by sm –

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Tags -  M. K. Gandhi School India Rip


Renu May 04, 2017  

Were the schools better or those people? From a school many children come out butt only few make a name..so I think its the person ho is more important than school. School can help only, not make a person.

SM May 05, 2017  

Its a historic place.
Next generation will know that Gandhi studied in school started by British.