13 March 2017

Ten Reasons Why BJP won Uttar Pradesh Assembly Elections 2017

Know Ten Reasons Why BJP won Uttar Pradesh Assembly Elections 2017

The BJP won two-thirds majority in Uttar Pradesh in Assembly Elections.
Below is the result how many seats each party won.
1-BJP: 324
2-SP- Congress: 55
3-BSP: 19
4-Others: 5

Below are the top 10 reasons why BJP won Uttar Pradesh Assembly Elections 2017

2014 elections Modi wave was there and Narendra Modi won Lower House elections and became PM of India.
After this PM Modi started to lose popularity but He took the right decision in November 2016 and ordered , started note exchange program that is Notebandi which got support from 100% Indians except selfish people or fools or people who did not understand the wish of common Indian citizens.

Notebandi or note exchange program got the one fault that was introduction of new currency notes of Rs. 500 and Rs. 2000. But opposition parties ignored this and never demanded ban on new currency notes of Rs.500 and Rs. 2000 instead of this opposition parties demanded that government should cancel the notebandi or note exchange program.
Whenever opposition parties demanded cancellation of note exchange program they kept losing thousands of votes and this kept increasing the value and popularity of PM Narendra Modi.

Failed to protect and spread the proper correct history of India Secular and Religious history
Congress and opposition parties are failing to understand that new generation has nothing to do with old leaders, old policies.
New generation is not interested and does not know proper and correct history of India

Opposition parties does not have any agenda they dance positively or negatively on the tunes that is topics played by the PM Modi.
Happened in UP – example graveyard

No one is as hard working as PM Modi.
Regarding Hard work, I will give 10 stars out of 5 stars to PM Modi.
I think regarding his hard work only superstar Big B matches him.
Majority political leaders are zero regarding hard work.
He was PM but he spent day and night on UP elections stayed there and convinced people he is there for them and result is Big Win.

Direct or Indirect Help from organizations like RSS, ABVP and people like Baba Ramdev.

The fight between Yadav family people did not like father and son fighting before elections.
Mulayam Singh Yadav fought with his son CM Akhilesh Yadav and supported his brother Shivpal Yadav.

People did not like statements of Mayawati regarding Muslims and election tickets it united lower caste and Upper Caste Hindus in voting.
People did not like when they saw people with criminal background joining the Mayawati.

BJP didn’t declare the CM face of UP before elections this was the topic for debate but opposition parties failed to make it issue when PM Modi became the face of UP.
Opposition parties failed to discuss and bring the failures of future BJP CM candidates in the knowledge of citizens.

Organizational Skill and full powers to Amit Shah and others as per their chair.
Quick decision making and implementation on every step and improving the mistakes.

Little presence on social media and internet advertising
Opposition parties and CM AY has a little presence on social media and online advertising

Reality views by sm –

Monday, March 13, 2017

Tags – BJP Reasons BJP Win UP Elections 2017


rudraprayaga March 13, 2017  

Not only these.Rahul and Priyanka opened their mouths only to abuse Modi,not to contribute anything regarding the uplift of the country.I think the charm attributed by the congress to that family has disappeared from or rather has no concern in youths'minds.Thank you for the info.

Destination Infinity March 15, 2017  

This result in UP, frankly, surprised me. Esp. after that demonetization good idea, but poor execution debacle.

Destination Infinity

Kirtivasan Ganesan March 15, 2017  

It is simply amazing.
PM Modi has done great work in campaigning. It is an unprecedented victory.
Akhilesh did a lot in his term. People forgot.
PM Modi deserves one. One big round of applause.

Renu March 17, 2017  

It shows that abusing a PM is not liked by voters, but opposition didnt voice about anything they will do, they just concentrated on abusing BJP..politics of destruction..They always put roadblocks in every idea of MOdiji..now I hope he gets support in his actions..