29 March 2017

India Supreme Court Bans Sale of BS-III cars from April 1, 2017

India Supreme Court Bans Sale of BS-III cars from April 1, 2017

In a Historical Judgement Supreme Court of India banned on Wednesday the registration and sale of vehicles with the older BS-III emission norms after April 1, saying the health of millions was more important than commercial interests.

The Supreme Court also clarified that no new BS-III registration will be allowed April 1 onwards. However, BS-III vehicles sold prior to March 31 will be allowed to register and will need to have proof of sale date for those vehicles.

The Supreme Court said that the auto companies were aware of the notification, yet decided to sit back. It added it is important for the industry to move away from commercial losses and focus on environment norms given hazardous pollution condition.

After March 31, 2017 India will switch to BS-IV fuel across the country. The shift to BS-IV ensures that auto industry will move to BS-VI by 2020.

According research findings BS-IV vehicles have 80 percent less particulate matter (PM) and 50 percent less NOx emissions.

The ruling came on a plea by the Environment Pollution Control Authority.

The newer and more stringent BS-IV norms were introduced in phases from 2010 and a nationwide rollout is expected on April 1.

Reality views by sm –

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Tags – Environment India Pollution Car Ban Sale


rudraprayaga March 29, 2017  

In a way y the court is right, but the loss of the company will be realized from the sales further.