BJP Double Standards regarding Beef Ban
BJP Double Standards regarding Beef Ban
Beef Ban in India is nothing but a religious ban I don’t think it has anything to do with animal love. If anyone loves animals he will oppose the zoos, he will ban the killing of all animals and even he will consider them giving legal rights just like Humans after all we Humans are also animals superior than other animals.
As per media reports Nagaland BJP chief Visasolie Lhoungu told Hindustan Times that “Ban on cow slaughter like the one in UP won’t take effect in Nagaland if our party comes to power next year. The reality here is very different and our central leaders are aware of that,”
Mizoram BJP president JV Hluna said that “There would be no ban on cow slaughter in Mizoram and other states in the region where there is a majority Christian population,”
Meghalaya BJP chief Shibun Lyngdoh said that “Even in UP, action is being taken on slaughter houses operating without proper license. While there would be no ban on cow slaughter, we would like the government to ensure killing and sale of animals is done legally and in a hygienic manner,”
If there are no double standards then BJP and PM Modi will bring the national law banning beef as well as exports of Beef with a punishment of death sentence for such crimes like possession of beef or trying to export the beef.
Hope PM Modi will bring the above law and will prove that BJP means business not double standards.
Beef Ban is also one step towards India becoming officially Hindu Nation.
I do not support any kind of ban on book or person or food for any reason what so ever.
India needs to ban the word ban.
Reality views by sm –
Tuesday, March 28, 2017
Tags – Beef Ban BJP India