Facts About fake currency notes of Rs.2000 Children’s Bank of India
Facts About fake currency notes of Rs.2000 Children’s Bank of India
a State Bank of India ATM in South Delhi had dispensed fake currency notes of Rs. 2000
The matter came to light on February 6 when notes dispensed read ‘Children Bank of India’ in place of Reserve Bank of India and ‘Guaranteed by the Children’s Government’ in place of Guaranteed by the Central Government. ‘Churan lable’ in place of the latent image and a fake ‘PK’ logo instead of the bank’s seal
Rohit, a customer care executive at a call centre in Chhatarpur, had visited the SBI ATM located in Sangam Vihar’s Tigri on February to withdraw Rs 8,000. What he received were four notes with ‘Churan Lable’, ‘Children Bank of India’ and ‘Bharatiya Manoranjan Bank’ written on them.
Then Rohit complained to the ATM guard he did not believe him.
Then Rohit called police help line number 100.
A sub-inspector and a head constable soon arrived at ATM
Both refused to believe Rohit.
To prove Rohit wrong Sub-Inspector used his own credit card and he also got the fake Rs.2000 note proving Rohit right. After that police sealed the ATM.
Romil Baaniya, DCP (South) told to media that “A total of five notes were found to be of that kind. The other notes in that chest were genuine,” said
List of 10 mistakes found on the fake Rs.2000 currency note.
1. Bharatiya Manoranjan Bank instead of Bharatiya Reserve Bank
2. Serial number 000000
3. Rupee sign missing
4. Churan Lable instead of strip with leaf markings
5. P.K. logo instead of RBI seal
6. I promise to pay the barer two thousand coupens (sic) instead of I promise to pay the bearer the sum of two thousand rupees
7. Governor’s signature missing
8. Churan Lable instead of the Ashok emblem
9. Children Bank of India instead of Reserve Bank of India
10. Guaranteed by the Children Government instead of Gauranteed by the Central Government
Delhi Police registered a case of cheating and criminal breach of trust.
Romil Baaniya, DCP (South), said the employee has been identified Mohammed Isha, custodian of the Brinks India Pvt Ltd, who works for the SBI ATM has been zeroed in and his liability has been fixed by the bank as he was the custodian at the time of the incident, said a senior police officer.
Although Isha has denied his involvement in the incident, he is being questioned, police said.
Police investigation found that the notes were not counterfeit. They are used for playing by children and are available at toy shops
Until now police have not arrested anyone in this case.
Photo of Rs. 2000 children’s PK currency note
Reality views by sm –
Thursday, February 23, 2017
Tags – Rs. 2000 Currency Note Fake Photo Ban
To avoid fake notes, we ourselves have to take caution.
Like withdrawing only 4000 rupees. This will give at the most 2 notes of fake variety.
@Kirtivasan Ganesan