09 November 2016

Donald Trump Wins Becomes 45th President of USA

Donald Trump Wins Becomes 45th President of USA

CNN reported that Hillary Clinton has accepted her defeat and congratulated Trump for winning.

Donald Trump is elected president of the United States. Trump wins Wisconsin by a lead of 80,000... which takes the figure to: Trump: 276, Clinton: 218.

His triumph over Hillary Clinton will end eight years of Democratic dominance of the White House.
He’s pledged to act quickly to repeal Obama’s landmark health care law, revoke the nuclear agreement with Iran and rewrite important trade deals with other countries, particularly Mexico and Canada.

Donald Trump is hardcore business man and he is unpredictable

Suggested Reading –

21 Facts Short Biography of Donald Trump 45th US President

Reality views by sm –

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Tags – Donald Trump US President 2016 Wins


Destination Infinity November 10, 2016  

(White) people of the USA are clear about who they want. Congratulations to the Next President.

Destination Infinity

Sandhya November 10, 2016  

Many in California and New York are protesting. Hillary won there with a thumping majority! Well...let us wait and see what happens.

Kirtivasan Ganesan November 10, 2016  

I am delighted at a wise decision to vote.