16 November 2016

Chinese Scientist Use Gene DNA Editing process to cure Cancer

Chinese Scientist Use Gene DNA Editing process to cure Cancer

Nations accept or do not accept but future belongs to Gene editing and curing diseases

Without caring and worrying about the world Chinese Scientist team used a controversial technique known as 'CRISPR-Cas9' which works like a pair of genetic scissors to cut very specific sections of DNA.

Team of Scientist have injected a human with cells genetically modified to fight cancer.

The researchers removed immune cells from the patient's blood, and then disabled a gene in them using the controversial technique.

The technique uses tags which identify the location of the mutation, and an enzyme, which acts as tiny scissors, to cut DNA in a precise place, allowing small portions of a gene to be removed.

A total of ten people is scheduled to be treated, each who will receive up to four injections.

The trial is primarily to test the safety of the technique, and patients will be closely monitored for six months to determine whether there are any side effects.

How exactly it was done

The researchers extracted immune cells from the blood of the patient.

A gene coding for a protein called PD-1 was then knocked out in the cells using a technique called CRISPR-Cas9.

The technique uses tags and an enzyme to cut DNA in a precise place, allowing small portions of a gene to be removed.

By editing this tag, scientists are able to target the enzyme to specific regions of DNA and make precise cuts, wherever they like.

The PD-1 protein normally puts the brakes on a cell's immune response: cancers take advantage of that function to proliferate.

The team then cultured the edited cells, increasing their number, before injecting them back into the patient.

They hope that the edited cells will go on to attack and defeat the cancer.

The trial comes as several groups in the US have also been given approval to carry out gene-editing trails in humans.

In June, the US National Institutes of Health gave approval for a project that will use a similar approach in a trial involving 18 patients with several different types of cancer.

With this new scientific war between China and USA will start
It will benefit young Indian scientist also as they can move to USA and carry forward their thoughts peacefully to lead the development of DNA editing technology

Reality views by sm –

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Tags – China DNA Editing Technology