23 September 2016

Ruchika Molestation Case DGP Rathores Jail term reduced System Fails

Ruchika Molestation Case DGP Rathores Jail term reduced System Fails

Supreme Court on Friday upheld the conviction of former DGP of Haryana SPS Rathore for molesting a minor and budding tennis player Ruchika Girhotra but SC granted relief to DGP Rathore and reduced his sentence from one and half years to the sentence already undergone

the CBI has closed two cases, attempt to murder and doctoring of documents, citing lack of evidence. The third one related to abetment to suicide is still pending.

On August 20, 1990, Rathore, the then IGP with Haryana Police and president of the Haryana Lawn Tennis Association (HLTA), had molested Ruchika Girhotra, a 14-year-old budding tennis player, in the HLTA office in Panchkula.

Soon after she registered a complaint, Ruchika was expelled from her school
On December 28, 1993, Ruchika consumed poison and died the next day.

Over 22 years after Ruchika was molested, Rathore was convicted by a Chandigarh court in December 2009 and sent to jail in June 2010.
The conviction was upheld by the Punjab and Haryana High Court too.

Rathore moved the SC after the Punjab and Haryana high court upheld a trial court order convicting the top cop in the criminal case.
The HC enhanced his sentence from six months to 18 months.
Rathore was sent to 18 months’ rigorous imprisonment but the Supreme Court granted him bail after he had served five months of his sentence.

The special CBI court Panchkula on Friday accepted the closure report submitted by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) in two cases - attempt to murder and forgery of documents- filed against former Haryana DGP SPS Rathore.

Media reported that Ruchika's father Subhash and brother Ashu raised no objection to the closure report. Admitting that he was not in a position to pursue the matter further, Subhash said, "I do not see any hope now. We feel cheated. My family is vulnerable. The circumstances have pushed us back by 20 years."
"When Rathore was convicted in 2009, I met union home minister P C Chidambaram who assured me of justice. I thought time and system had changed and dared to move fresh complaints against Rathore." On January 12, 2010 the CBI registered three fresh FIRs against Rathore - attempt to murder, abetment to suicide and doctoring of documents. However, in November 2010, the CBI submitted the closure report in two cases. The closure report was accepted by the court on Friday.
"But now after finding that the system cannot be changed, we decided not to pursue it further," Girhotra said.
Ruchika's disillusioned father said that he had presented a lot of material and some witnesses related to the fresh cases before the agency. "But the agency was adamant on closing the case."

The third case against Rathore- abetment to suicide - is still pending. The CBI could not file any report as the Punjab and Haryana high court has ordered status quo on it. Besides Rathore, former Ambala SP KP Singh, sub-inspector Prem Dutt and assistant sub-inspectors Jai Narayan and Sewa Singh were also named in the FIR.

Suggested Reading –

Ruchika Molestation and Suicide Case – A complete Case Study

Reality views by sm –

Friday, September 23, 2016

Tags – Ruchika Molestation Case DGP Rathore Released Jail Term Reduced


rudraprayaga September 27, 2016  

Eve teasers should be duly punished however high he dwells in the society.