30 September 2016

Effects What Pakistan Terrorist Org will do after Indian Army Operation

Effects What Pakistan Terrorist Org will do after Indian Army Operation
In Uri attack Pakistani Terrorist Organization killed 19 soldiers.
After that Indian Army Planned an attack, went inside Pakistan Occupied Kashmir and killed more than 38 terrorists.

India arm forces did not reveal the terrorist belonged to which organization, they did not give evidence looking at which we can get the hints to which organization terror camps, terrorist belonged.

Pakistan denied about the Indian Army Operation which killed 38 terrorists inside POK

Before this also Indian Army carried out operations successfully but Indian Politicians like PM Manmohan Singh never openly told to Indian Citizens. It was kept Secret.

Now PM Modi told it to everyone openly and now India cannot change this position after each attack it will become compulsory for Indian Arm Forces to go inside POK or LOC and eliminate terrorist groups.

Why Pakistan will never accept about the Indian Operation?
If Pakistan accepts about the operation and killing of 38 terrorists, then automatically it will prove that Pakistan does not punish terror organizations but they help them.
It will prove that Pakistan Army failed to stop the Indian Army attack or even detect the Indian Army Attack Showing Pakistan Army is not capable.

Why Pakistan Terror Organizations will take revenge?

If Pakistan Terror Organizations fail to take revenge, then automatically the confidence of Indian Politicians will increase and they will order Indian army too cross LOC to kill the leaders of terror organizations which operate from Pakistan Soil or Pok.

Now the question is what Pakistan Terror Organization will do to avenge Indian Army Attack in POK?

Terror Organizations will do nothing for few months.

Terror Organizations may plan and kill the big Indian Politician like PM Modi, Rahul Gandhi, Amit Shah or Arvind Kejriwal or RSS chief
I hope Indian Intelligence Agencies and Special Forces will protect them successfully.

Sleeper Cells of Terror Organizations will become active and they will carry out attacks on public places like Bomb Blast.

Terror Organizations may make the use of chemical weapons first time

Terror Organizations may kidnap the big business owners from India or may kill them so that Indian Politicians will not dare again to attack inside POK

Terror Organizations will become more active in Jammu and Kashmir

Terror Organizations will attack the Indian Missions, Homes of Indian Diplomats abroad or Indian citizens who are staying in foreign lands.

Pakistan Terror Organizations may get the help of ISIS and ISIS will start their terror attacks in India or may plan and see that Indian Muslims and Hindus start fighting with each other.

Pakistan will never start a war but it will not stop terror organizations to attack India

Now India needs to stay alert for 24 hours, 24 months.

One Mistake and Terrorist will get chance to terrorize Indian citizens.

Reality views by sm –

Friday, September 30, 2016

Tags – India Pakistan War 2016