21 June 2016

Explained BJP Government Allows FDI in Many Sectors

Explained  BJP Government Allows FDI in Many Sectors

BJP Government has now decided to allow foreign direct investment (FDI) through the automatic approval route in the range of 74-100 percent in following sectors

3-brownfield airports
4-food retailing, Trading including ecommerce, of food products manufactured or produced in India
5-broadcast carriage
7-private security agencies

Automatic route is the best way to bring Foreign Direct Investment in India

Without Foreign Direct Investment it’s not possible for India to sustain growth and Congress failed to explain this to Indian citizens.

And now BJP is allowing FDI in many sectors but systematically.

FDI in defense:
BJP government has allowed 100% FDI in Defence through the approval route, this way government elected politicians will control which company comes to India, which defense company is allowed to start production in India.

In this if politician is honest he will not take bribes and if politician is corrupt he will do the corruption, take bribes if not he will direct the companies to fund the political party.

FDI in aviation:
The new policy allows 49 percent FDI through the automatic route, and 100 percent through the approval route.
Currently aviation sector is making profits reason is low prices of oils
But this benefit we Indian citizens did not enjoy the prices of all the items are just increasing but there is no one who can point it out loud and clear on roads.

I hope Government of India will sell the Air India the white elephant of India

FDI in brownfield airports:
India needs Airports in remote areas also but we don’t have investments
Now BJP government has allowed the 100% FDI in brownfield airports through the automatic route
This will enable regional and distant airports to operate as no-frills landing strips with foreign investment.

Food retailing:
Government has allowed 100% FDI in food.
This will happen only through the approval route, means companies will need to take permission of government that is elected politicians

With this Walmart may get permission to enter India to do business legally.

Congress tried this and it failed fully

Pharma –
74% FDI will be allowed in brownfield pharma units through the automatic route, and 100 percent through the approval route.

Because of this Big International companies will be able to buy the Indian pharma companies.
We Indian citizens will realize the impact only after 10 or 15 years in the medicine cost.
This will not happen if we Indian citizens keep close watch on the moves of Government and see that Government keeps its authority to control the drug prices forever.
Once government gives in it will be end of cheap drugs for Indian citizens as well as other poor nations

Broadcast carriage:
100% FDI allowed through the automatic route,
major investments can be expected in cable networks, direct-to-home services, and mobile TV businesses, among others.

Good move by BJP government this will speed up the digitalization of India.

Single brand retail:
Local sourcing rules have been waived for 3 three years later on another five years.
And this may continue
But is good We Indian citizens will get the good products, genuine products in India

The above policy will benefit the companies like Apple.

Reality views by sm –

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Tags – FDI BJP Government India Allowed


JAMSHED AZMI June 22, 2016  

I think It is good decision for NSG seat.