BJP Government to SC Political Parties should not be brought under RTI
BJP Government to SC Political Parties should not be brought under RTI
RTI activist Subhash Chandra Agrawal moved the Supreme Court for implementation of CIC order which brought the all the political parties under RTI in the interest of India and Indian citizens doing their job honestly.
CIC has no powers so it failed to force political parties to obey their orders, this is the reason now politicians want to bring judiciary also under the control of Politicians.
The BJP Government told the Supreme Court that political parties should not be brought under the purview of the RTI Act as this would hamper their functioning and is fraught with the danger of rivals misusing the law to settle political scores.
The BJP Government filed its response complying with the Supreme Court order asking the government to take a stand on why political parties should not be made amenable to RTI Act to bring accountability and transparency in their functioning.
Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT) controlled by government and who represents the government said following to the Supreme Court in an affidavit “When the RTI Act was enacted, it was never visualized that political parties would be brought within the ambit of the transparency law”
"If the political parties are held to be public authorities under the Act, it would hamper their smooth internal working. Further it is apprehended that political rivals might file RTI application with malicious intentions to the CPIOs of the parties, thereby adversely affecting their political functioning,"
Central Information Commission in 2013 declared national political parties as public authorities and directed them to follow the provisions of the RTI Act but all the political parties got united became one and said No to CIC they just ignored the CIC orders.
The Law Commission in its 170th Report had also made a recommendation for transparency in the functioning of political parties, especially on internal democracy, financial transparency and accountability in their working.
Below is the list of countries where political parties come under their right to information act
And many more
Below is the real reason political parties are not ready to come under Right to information act.
Political parties now know that they made the biggest mistake when they passed the right to information act, now they cannot change the law.
RTI created fear, exposed the corruption
Black Money –
Political parties receive the black money as donations
Pay the Bribes to political parties using political party donations
Political parties are not required to reveal the name of individuals or organizations giving less than Rs 20,000.
As a result, over 75% of the funds cannot be traced and are from unknown sources
Unknown sources means and equal to bribe money and black money.
Just think if you deposit Rs. 100 Crore in bank account and tell to income tax department you do not know who gave you that money, reason you got in in small accounts, don’t know who gave you so much money
What will happen then?
Reward or Jail
Reality views by sm –
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Tags – RTI Corruption Political Parties