06 July 2015

Indian Government not to support net neutrality bring License Censor Raj

Indian Government not to support net neutrality bring License Censor Raj

First Government of India tried tried to allow internet companies work against net neutrality principles by publishing a confusing 118-page long consultation paper after that few Indian citizens read that paper and they started to explain how government is planning to support internet companies and netizens started to oppose, wrote thousands of mails to government of India opposing and government took U turn and said BJP supports net neutrality.

Now as per media reports government of India has once again decided to help internet companies but this time indirectly

Now government is planning to legalize the Airtel zero concept which is against net neutrality.

Hindustan Times, PTI reported following
A panel of the telecommunication department on net neutrality is learnt to have opposed projects such as Facebook’s Internet.org, which allow access to certain websites without mobile data charges, while suggesting that similar plans like Airtel Zero be allowed with prior clearance from the telecom regulator.

Indian express reported following
A DoT panel on net neutrality is learnt to have opposed projects like Facebook’s Internet.org, which allow access to certain websites without mobile data charges, while suggesting that similar plans such as Airtel Zero be allowed with prior clearance from Trai

Now explaining what this means –

Government will oppose Facebook Internet org
It has not taken permission from BJP, Indian Government

Government will support Airtel Zero?
Taken permission from government, has agreed to all the written and unwritten, spoken and unspoken conditions of BJP, Government of India.

Now what Government will do?
Government will censor the apps, only the apps who agree with the BJP, Government of India will be allowed to work against net neutrality, they will be given permission to act against the principal of net neutrality

If any app, or app Maker Company or app of NGO is against the BJP beliefs then do you think they will get permission from the government of India to act against the net neutrality principals?

Without taking bribes from the companies do you think Indian politicians will give permission to operate against the net neutrality principals?

Let us hope PM Modi will take action and see that no internet company gets permission in India to operate against the principles of net neutrality on the name of license given.

Suggested Reading –

Explained Net Neutrality why we must support Net Neutrality

Reality views by sm –

Monday, July 06, 2015

Tags – Net Neutrality India Oppose Concept


Destination Infinity July 06, 2015  

I don't understand much about net-neutrality. Hope the Govt. takes the best decision.

Destination Infinity