29 April 2015

UPA Land Bill not responsible for stalled projects

UPA Land Bill not responsible for stalled projects

According to data gathered by Right to Information (RTI) query the land acquisition law passed by the previous government may not be the reasonWhen it comes to stalled projects

Only 8% of them have been stalled due to land acquisition problems, according to data received from the finance ministry under the RTI Act.

The RTI query by Venkatesh Nayak revealed that as of February there were 804 stalled projects.

An analysis of the 33-page list shows that lack of funds is the number four reason and land acquisition the fifth for projects halting.

The 15 states that have the most stalled projects include nine of the 10 Schedule V states, which have a sizeable tribal population.

Above is one of the reason BJP government has changed the UPA Land Bill, Consent clause.

What is the real reason behind the stalled projects?
Below are the real reason which stalled the projects.
1-unfavourable market conditions
2-lack of non-environmental clearances
3- Promoters, investors not interested in project, not interested to invest money

This clearly shows that congress party failed to market themselves as a political party and defend that there was no policy paralysis but corporates were not ready to invest.

Because of corruption, scandals and excellent marketing by BJP everyone knew that Congress will lose and no one was sure how many seats BJP will win and result was no investments.

Now BJP government is going on the same path which Congress followed

International Market is favorable for BJP government but nothing is happening on ground

In 2 or 3 years truth will come out BJP and Congress both are same.

Now let us see BJP government supports full net neutrality or supports Corporates give in to them and not support net neutrality.

Land Bill supports farmers or corporates

Always think this question 
are you ready to give your flat or shop to government without making any profits and on that flat or shop or society land other rich man will make millions or  billions making you to live in rented apartment and work as a  watchman.

Reality views by sm –

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Tags – Land Bill Farmers