26 February 2015

BJP Government fights die hard in SC for Section 66A an Indian Talibani Law

BJP Government fights die hard in SC for Section 66A an Indian Talibani Law

The Supreme Court of India is hearing petitions challenging constitutional validity of Section 66A on the ground that it violates fundamental right to freedom of speech and expression.

On Wednesday BJP government told the Supreme Court that reach and impact of internet was wider and the level of restriction on this medium should be higher in comparison to print and television.

Emphasizing the need to continue with Section 66A, making posting of offensive messages on social networking site an offence punishable up to three-year jail term,
Additional solicitor general Tushar Mehta said that it cannot be quashed or thrown out just because the provision is vague on defining the word "grossly offensive".

Always remember Congress and BJP both are two sides of same coin with same aims and objectives

Suggested Reading –

16 Reasons to repeal delete Information Technology Act 66A Is it a Talibani type law?

SC PIL against section 66A filed Government issues new guidelines

Reality views by sm –

Thursday, February 26, 2015

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