11 January 2015

Revealed Russia Stalin Killed Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose

Revealed Russia Stalin Killed Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose

BJP leader Subramanian Swamy on Saturday demanded declassification of secret files on the leader, Swamy also claimed that Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose did not die in a plane crash in 1945 but was killed at the instance of Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin

Swamy blamed Stalin of killing Bose in captivity in Siberia.

Swamy said that "According to the papers that exist with us, Bose had faked his death and escaped to Manchuria in China which was under Russian occupation, hoping Russia would look after him. But Stalin put him in a jail in Siberia. Somewhere around 1953, he hanged or suffocated Bose to death,"

Swamy also claimed that the-then Indian Prime Minister Jawahar Lal Nehru was aware about Bose being held captive in Yakutsk Prison in Siberia.

Suggested Reading –

Know Forty Facts Short Biography of Subhas Chandra Bose

Reality views by sm –

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Tags – Bose Murder Russia Stalin


Kirtivasan Ganesan January 11, 2015  

This might be just one outrageous allegation. We always thought he died in a plane crash.
Nevertheless, you have revealed an important information in our blog circle.

Destination Infinity January 11, 2015  

Maybe he was 'handed over' to Russia for this purpose? We cannot rule out any possibility.

Like how we are building the world's largest statue for Vallabhai Patel, we should also build a fitting monument in memory of Bose. I hope the Govt. will consider this.

Destination Infinity

Unknown January 11, 2015  

You just never know anymore who is alive and who is dead. So many "dead" politicians are said to have faked their deaths to escape and live.

Unknown March 03, 2015  

Declassification of files may prove that JAPAN AND BRITISH JOINTLY PLAYED A FOUL GAME WITH NETAJI; In WW-I, Japan was an ally of British. Before WW-II, Japan-US trade war and
political war started, this led to actual war between US and Japan. So British became an enemy to Japan by diplomatic manipulation as US - British alliance was there. After WW-II, Japan quickly revived their old connections with British. Japanese and British spies were enough linked before WW-II. JAPANESE SPIES AGREED TO ELIMINATE NETAJI. Motive was to appease the British and purchase security for Japan royal family. Thus, JAPAN HANDED OVER NETAJI TO BRITISH AND BRITISH EXECUTED HIM IN SECRETE. The false news of air crash was fabrication of Japan. In any controversial case, liar is to be suspected first.
Netaji plan to start second independence war with USSR help was known to Japan. There was enough scope for British and Japanese spies to develop a common minimum program against pro-communist agenda of Netaji. Why should Japanese imperialism agree to patronize emergence of independent India as a permanent communist ally? Is it not more logical to fulfill British condition and purchase favor? Why Japan royal family was not tried as a war criminal? What is the mystery behind this favor?
There is another point about gumnami baba. Who was he? Gumnami baba was a dummy created as a part of common minimum program of Japanese imperialism and British imperialism. In axis camp, creation of dummy by plastic surgery was a common practice. Hitler and Mussolini were having number of dummies. Japan sold Netaji-dummy to British. British deputed this dummy at faizabad of Uttar
Pradesh, with a purpose to create confusion that as if death or life Netaji is doubtful. The confusion prevented the nation to be doubtful about role of Japan or British. So gumnami baba of faizabad is a common creation of Japanese spies and British spies. Never had he told the truth. If he had told anything, that must be lie. In a controversial case, liar is to be suspected. So, JAPAN SOLD NETAJI TO BRITISH AND BRITISH EXECUTED HIM IN SECRET. Japan sold Netaji-dummy to British and British deputed him at faizabad of Uttar-Pradesh. JAPAN SURRENDERED TO US-UK SIDE ON 15TH AUGUST 1945. Netaji’s last flight was on 18th august 1945. A SURRENDERED JAPAN WAS NO LONGER AN ALLY OF AZAD HIND. They worked as per their new mentors, the British.

Unknown August 04, 2017  

Declassification of all Netaji files may prove that J@PAN AND BRIT JOINTLY PLAYED A FOUL GAME WITH NET@JI; In WW-I, J@pan was a Briti$ ally. Before WW-II, J@pan-US trade war and political war started; this led to actual US-J@PAN war. So Briti$ became an enemy to J@pan by diplomatic manipulation as US-Briti$ alliance was there. After WW-II, J@pan revived their old link with Briti$. J@pan and Brit spies were well linked before WW-II. J@PAN SPIES AGREED TO ELIMINATE NET@JI. Motive was to appease Brit and purchase security for J@pan royal family. So, J@PAN HANDED OVER NET@JI TO BRITI$ AND BRITI$ EXECUTED HIM IN SECRETE. False news of air crash was J@pan fabrication. In any controversial case, liar is to be suspected. Net@ji plan to start second independence war with USSR help was known to J@pan. So, Brit and J@pan spies developed a common minimum program against pro-SOCIALIST agenda of Net@ji. Why should J@pan imperialism agree to patronize emergence of independent India as a permanent communist ally? Is it not more logical to fulfill Briti$ condition and purchase favor? Why J@pan royal family was not tried as a war criminal? What is the mystery behind this favor?
There is another point about gumnami baba. Who was he? He was a dummy created as a part of common minimum program of J@pan and Brit imperialism. In axis camp, creation of dummy by plastic surgery was a common practice. Hitler and Mussolini were having number of dummies. J@pan sold Net@ji-dummy to Briti$. Briti$ deputed this dummy at faizabad of UP, with a purpose to create confusion regarding Net@ji. This confusion prevented nation to be doubtful about role of J@pan or Brit. So, gumnami baba of faizabad is a common creation of J@pan and Brit spies. Never had he told truth. If he had told anything, that must be lie. In a controversial case, liar is to be suspected. So, J@PAN SOLD NET@JI TO BRITI$ AND BRITI$ EXECUTED HIM IN SECRET. J@pan sold Net@ji-dummy to Briti$ and Briti$ deputed him at faizabad of UP. J@PAN SURRENDERED TO US-UK SIDE ON 15-AUG-1945. Net@ji’s last flight was on 18-aug-1945. A SURRENDERED J@PAN WAS NO LONGER AN ALLY OF AZAD HIND. They worked as per their new mentors, the Briti$.

Unknown August 04, 2017  

Here is an old news on Netaji, which proves that Japan had played some wrong game with Netaji for their own imperialist interest. Japanese had altered Netaji’s flight plan. Mr Debnath das, formerly general secretary of India independence league, in south east Asia told Khosla commission, that Netaji had mentioned to him on the night of Aug 16, 17, 1945, that Japanese had changed their plan regarding his departure from Saigon at eleventh hour. Appearing as a witness, Mr Das quoted Netaji as telling him and some INA officers, who were present at the time, that Japan wanted to take him to Tokyo instead of Manchuria. He and some important INA officers present at Saigon did not like the idea and asked Japanese officers where Netaji was being taken. The Japanese replied - Do not worry. You will be taken to the same place, where he is going. They however, refused to reveal name of place, Mr Das added. Mr Das was the last witness to give evidence before mr justice g d Khosla on commission‘s sitting in Delhi. Mr Das replied to negative to a question by Mr Khosla, whether Netaji had expressed his dislike to the idea of going to a place, where the Japanese wanted to take him, but said : It appeared to me as though Netaji was not happy at the change of destination. Mr das said Netaji had carried 18 metal boxes containing treasures belonging to provisional AH Govt.