27 December 2014

Politician’s one step closer to take full control of Judges Judiciary

Politician’s one step closer to take full control of Judges Judiciary

In August Parliament passed the bill that will facilitate setting up of a commission for appointment of judges, replacing the collegium system which gave great judges and Historical Judgments
Example –
1-2G scam
2- Coal Scam

As per media reports Law Ministry has been informed by 16 of the 29 states that the National Judicial Appointments Commission (NJAC) bill has been ratified.

Once the ratifications have been formally received, the bill will be sent to the President for his assent.

Any Constitutional amendment bill requires ratification by at least 50% of the state legislatures.

The bill will make way for the setting up of National Judicial Appointments Commission, which will appoint and transfer judges to the Supreme Courts and the 24 High Courts.

Following are the names of the states which had ratified the bill
5-Uttar Pradesh

Collegium system did not allow politicians to control the Judges
But once JAC is implemented just like CBI, Indian Judiciary, Judges and Judgments everything will get controlled directly and indirectly by the Indian Politicians.

Suggested Reading –

Facts History about Collegium system SC judges appointment procedure

Reality views by sm –

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Tags – NJAC Judges Politicians Parrot Appointments


rudraprayaga December 28, 2014  

It will be a dangerous situation.