25 October 2014

Karnataka Solar Power Plant Scam Superfast Enrolment Closed in Seven Minutes

Karnataka Solar Power Plant Scam Superfast Enrolment Closed in Seven Minutes

The State government had decided to allow farmers to set up mini-solar power plants with a capacity of 1 to 3 MW on their farmland with an assurance that Escoms would buy power from them at Rs. 8.40 a unit.

Following this, the KREDL called for online applications from farmers at 11 a.m. on October 9 with a condition that the applications would be accepted on a first come, first served basis.

Against the total offer of 300 MW, KREDL had announced that it would receive applications to the level of 600 MW to make up for those opting out in the middle.

But farmers who sat before the computers along with experts to apply for the scheme were in for a shock as even before they could open the website or enter the details, the process of receiving applications got completed with the KREDL getting 295 applications, totalling up to 600 MW, within 7.25 minutes.

16 applications were received within the first minute
50 were received in the first 1.20 minutes though farmers were of the opinion that it would take a minimum of two minutes to fill the online application that had 10 fields.

Equal opportunity denied to the others 

Karnataka Renewable Energy Development Ltd. (KREDL)
Received 295 online applications from farmers within a record time of 7.25 minutes for setting up mini-solar power plants

Now an aggrieved farmers have filed a complaints in this regard before Governor Vajubhai Vala and the Secretary to the Union Ministry of New and Renewable Energy.

Hindu reported that Farmer D.M. Ramanjanappa, who wanted to set up a solar power plant in Sira taluk but could not do so as the applications were closed even before he got access to the website, has appealed to the Governor and the Union Ministry to not only cancel applications received on October 9, but also conduct an inquiry to find out if the process was authentic and transparent.

The complainant suspects that “those close to the power centres managed to submit their applications”.

Just be realistic and remember did you ever filled the form within 2 minutes, a government form where money is involved and plan is involved

Hope government agencies will investigate this case and let the citizens and farmers know that corruption happened in this case or not

Reality views by sm –

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Tags – Karnataka Mini Solar Plant Scam


Destination Infinity October 25, 2014  

Offline habits have now shifted Online?

Destination Infinity