15 October 2014

Attendance.gov.in goes private No Access to Public Transparency Fails

Attendance.gov.in goes private No Access to Public Transparency Fails

PM Modi government wanted the public to know at the click of a mouse which babus were absent on any given working day and whether the rest were coming and leaving on time.

So government started the portal Attendance.gov.in on September 2014 but now we the Citizens of India, the masters of government servants and elected politicians have no access to portal

The portal now covers 50,000-odd employees across 149 offices in Delhi and was to be gradually extended to the rest of the capital’s offices and then the whole country. Till yesterday morning, the portal was showing all the attendance details of every registered official.

Media reported that civil servants, told the communication and IT ministry that they were uncomfortable with the move, had prompted the portal to be closed to public scrutiny.

We are not allowed to know the names of absent civil servants who were on holiday.

Currently attendance portal — attendance.jharkhand.gov.in/ — the model for the central portal, continues to let the public track some 34,000 employees nine months after its January launch.

Let us see how many days now this portal keeps working

Reality views by sm –

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Tags - Attendance.gov.in Banned No Access


Destination Infinity October 15, 2014  

Good example set by Jharkhand. I hope the Delhi portal will be open to public once again and other states will also create similar portals.

Destination Infinity

rudraprayaga October 15, 2014  

God knows whether it will be on track or off it.