26 July 2014

In Depth Imp Facts PM Modi launched mygov website to involve citizens in governance

In Depth Imp Facts PM Modi launched mygov website to involve citizens in governance

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday launched a website MyGov that aims to help citizens contribute in governance by giving their opinions and views on important issues

PM told to media that MyGov (mygov.nic.in) is a technology-driven medium that will provide citizens an opportunity to contribute towards good governance
“The platform would bridge gap gulf between people and government.
Democracy cannot succeed without people’s participation in government and this participation should not be limited only during elections,”

MyGov’ is a golden opportunity to contribute in the journey towards nation building, becoming an agent of change.
The platform consists of Expert Groups, with each Expert Group focusing on a particular aspect of governance.
Within each group one can both ‘Do’ and ‘Discuss’. By ‘doing’, I mean taking up a series of online and on ground tasks.
‘Discussions’ on this Platform revolve around specially created discussion forum for each group. Over time, the number of groups, tools to engage, tasks and discussions will increase thus enabling wider participation.

This platform is a wonderful opportunity for government departments to get the best inputs and expand the talent pool that would consist of people across the length and breadth of India.

To use the site you will need to sign up when you sign up you will need to give following information
All compulsory
1-First name
2-Last name
5-Mobile number

MyGov – FAQ

What is my MyGov?

MyGov is an innovative platform to build a partnership between Citizens and Government with the help of technology for growth and development of India. Through this platform, the Government aims to encourage Citizen Participation towards Good Governance by seeking their ideas, suggestions and grass roots level contribution. Citizens can participate in this unique initiative of nation building and for the very first time in the history of this country, citizens from across India will come together to share their expert thoughts, ideas and suggestions with the Government in areas related to various policies, programs, schemes etc. MyGov will empower citizens to work hand in hand with the Government.
How can I join My Gov?

Register on mygov.nic.in to participate. You will be asked for personal details such as name, email id etc. We also ask you to indicate the kind of skills you have & the issues on which you may like to provide inputs.

On successful registration an email will be sent to your email id with a link to activate your registration. After activation log in and start participating in the various groups and discussions.

Please note that we do not share any personally identifiable information volunteered on this site with any third party (public/private). Any information provided to this website will be protected from loss, misuse, unauthorized access or disclosure, alteration, or destruction.
What are the modes of participation?

The platform consists of various focus Groups where citizens can undertake tasks (both online and on ground) as well as share their insights through various discussions related to the particular Group.

Discussion - Citizens can join Discussions within Groups to share or express their views, ideas, and thoughts with the help of pictures, videos, documents, etc. on policies as well as on matters of national interest and collaborate on key areas of development and governance. Some of the best ideas and suggestions will straight away reach the Hon'ble Prime Minister of India.

Do (Tasks) - Citizens can volunteer for a task within a Group in the 'Do' section as per their skills and interest areas. As of now there is a limit of 4 groups that a citizen can join. This is to ensure there is meaningful & effective contribution from every citizen in the areas of interest that they have indicated while registering.

Successful completion of a task will enable citizens to earn credit points and a chance to share their ideas with the Hon'ble Prime Minister of India.
Why should I participate?

MyGov makes you an agent of change and gives a golden opportunity to contribute in the journey towards nation building and towards attaining 'Surajya.'
What are the benefits of participating?

Get credit points by posting views on Discussions, completing Tasks that you volunteer for, and sharing ideas and view points of others on social media. Incentives based on credit points will be announced in the future. Periodically, select volunteers/achievers can get to meet and present their views directly to the Hon'ble PM of India.

Moreover, MyGov platform gives you an opportunity to help in nation building.
How to type in Hindi

If you want to key-in in Hindi. You can choose the Language 'Hindi' in the language tool available in the left bottom of the log in page.

You can select:
Hindi >> Phonetics
Hindi >> Typewriter
Hindi >> Remington

You can also select the 'Keyboard' option for assistance.

General Guidelines: Entry, Submission, Evaluation –

Since every task will come from different Ministries, the specific requirements will naturally wary. However, there are some general guidelines that would have to be adhered to.
General Guidelines:

Each task will have a particular deadline that would have to be adhered to. Unless communicated by the Ministry concerned or the MyGov admin, the deadline cannot be changed. Any entry submitted post the deadline would not be accepted.
An entry can be an individual or a team project. In case of team projects the entry must be submitted through the profile of an individual. The names of the team members must be clearly communicated at the time of submission.
Unless specified, every individual or team can submit only one entry for a particular task.
In case of team members, an individual can only be a part of one team for a given task. If an individual is a member of two or more teams all the teams he or she is a part of stands disqualified.
The work submitted by the participants must be original and must not infringe the intellectual property rights of any third party.
The final symbol/design/concept/caption adjudged as the winning entry shall become the intellectual property of the Government of India. The Government shall have the right to use, print or reproduce the prize-winning logo in any form it deems appropriate.
The responsibility to comply with the guidelines and other conditions fully lies with the participant/participant and the Government of India shall not be liable for any dispute raised by a third party.
The Competition is subject to Indian law and is governed by the exclusive jurisdiction of the Indian courts.

Guidelines for Artwork:

Any artwork should be designed on a digital platform such as Adobe Photoshop or Corel Draw.
The logo should be designed on a digital platform preferably either in Adobe Photoshop or Corel Draw. The winner of the competition shall be required to submit the design in an editable and open file format.
Please do not imprint or watermark any of the contact details in the logo design.
 The entry should be mailed in pdf format as an attachment and the mail must contain the name, contact numbers and postal address of the participant.
Attachments without contact details shall not be considered.
Please note that the logo design must be original and should not violate any provision of the Indian Copyright Act, 1957.
Logo should be designed in color.
The design should be of the size of 400 sq. cms. (20 cm x 20 cm)

Guidelines for Written work:

The document should be on MS Word.
Preferred format size- 14
Preferred format - Calibri

Guidelines for PM Website App design:

The application must demonstrate superior user experience and ease of use.
Application must be fully-functional and run successfully on target device(s).
Developer must adequately demonstrate a plan for its updates, sustenance and continuing usability.
The participants will not upload viruses or other malicious code.
The participants will not use this contest to do anything unlawful, misleading, malicious, or discriminatory.

Watch the video - mygov.nic.in - Great Governance with Your Partnership

Source - http://mygov.nic.in

Reality views by sm –

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Tags – My Gov Modi Government Website


Destination Infinity July 26, 2014  

Excellent initiative. This is what many people were waiting for - I am sure the Govt. will get a lot of good ideas from now on. However, they should ensure to follow up on them and implement a few suggestions with the same zeal.

Destination Infinity