04 March 2014

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Ten Reasons why one should not vote for Congress Party Lok Sabha Elections 2014

Ten Reasons why one should not vote for Congress Party Lok Sabha Elections 2014

Following are the reasons one should not vote for Congress Party in coming Lok Sabha Elections 2014

Corruption –
Do you remember any name of Politician who has been punished because of Corruption?

Delay in passing good laws

Do not support economic reservation
Support divide and rule policy, support reservation based on the caste and religion

Without compulsion never ever pass the good laws
Make the good laws

Do not bring Police Reforms

Do not give freedom to CBI

Does not reveal the names of people who keep black  money in other nations
The list is hidden

Make the laws which does not deter any corrupt Indian, but laws gives the power to Corrupt Indians to do corruption fearlessly

Make the laws which will send the innocent young boys and girls to jail for commenting on face book articles but do not send corrupt to Jails

65 Years – Food grains are wasted, nothing good has happened in India everything is dirty in India expect Indian citizens

Reality views by sm –

Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Tags – Reasons Not to Vote for Congress