20 March 2014

RIP Khushwant Singh dies Writer Journalist Khushwant Singh No More

RIP Khushwant Singh dies Writer Journalist Khushwant Singh No More

Today Khushwant Singh died at age of 99

Short Biography of Khuswant Singh

Name - Khushal Singh
Born on - 2 February 1915 (age 99)
Birth Place - Hadali, British India (current Sargodha District, Pakistan)
Alma mater -     St. Stephen's College, Delhi King's College London
Occupation - Journalist, writer, historian

Below is the list of Books written by Khuswant Singh

1)    The Mark of Vishnu and Other Stories, 1950

2)The History of Sikhs, 1953

3)Train to Pakistan, 1956

4)The Voice of God and Other Stories, 1957

5)    I Shall Not Hear the Nightingale, 1959

6)The Sikhs Today, 1959

7)    The Fall of the Kingdom of the Punjab, 1962

8)A History of the Sikhs, 1963

9)Ranjit Singh: The Maharajah of the Punjab, 1963

10)Ghadar 1915: India's first armed revolution, 1966

11)A History of the Sikhs, 1966 (2nd edition)

12)A Bride for the Sahib and Other Stories, 1967

13)Black Jasmine, 1971

14)Tragedy of Punjab, 1984

15)Delhi: A Novel, 1990

16)Sex, Scotch and Scholarship: Selected Writings, 1992

17)Not a Nice Man to Know: The Best of Khushwant Singh, 1993

18)We Indians, 1993

19)Women and Men in My Life, 1995

20)Uncertain Liaisons; Sex, Strife and Togetherness in Urban India, 1995

21)Declaring Love in Four Languages, by Khushwant Singh and Sharda Kaushik, 1997

22)The Company of Women, 1999

23)Truth, Love and a Little Malice (an autobiography), 2002

24)With Malice towards One and All

25)The End of India, 2003

26)Burial at the Sea, 2004

27)Paradise and Other Stories, 2004

28)A History of the Sikhs: 1469-1838, 2004

29)Death at My Doorstep, 2005

30)A History of the Sikhs: 1839-2004, 2005

31)The Illustrated History of the Sikhs, 2006

32)Why I Supported the Emergency: Essays and Profiles, 2009

33)The Sunset Club, 2010

34)Agnostic Khushwant Singh, There is no GOD, 2012

35)The Good, the Bad and the Ridiculous, 2013 (Co-authored with Humra Qureshi)

Short story collections

The Mark of Vishnu and Other Stories. London, Saturn Press, 1950

The Voice of God and Other Stories. Bombay, Jaico, 1957

A Bride for the Sahib and Other Stories. New Delhi, Hind, 1967

Black Jasmine. Bombay, Jaico, 1971

The Collected Stories. N.p., Ravi Dayal, 1989

The Portrait of a Lady

The Strain

Success Mantra

A Love Affair In London

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Thursday, March 20, 2014

Tags – Khushwant Singh Dead


Kirtivasan Ganesan March 20, 2014  

He was a great writer. I admired him a lot for boldness and straight writing.
I would often think about him one day or the other.

Cubic Zirconia Garnet March 21, 2014  

Thanks for sharing your post