08 March 2014

Know 16 questions ask by Arvind Kejriwal to Narendra Modi

Know 16 questions ask by Arvind Kejriwal to Narendra Modi

AAP Ex Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal announced a list of 16 questions about the Gujarat state's development he wants chief minister Narendra Modi to answer.

Below are the 16 questions ask by Arvind Kejriwal to Narendra Modi

If you become the PM, will you raise price of the KG Basin gas to 16 $which has already been doubled by the UPA government to $8 per unit from 4 $

Why does your government buy solar power at Rs 13 per unit? Madhya Pradesh and Karnataka are buying it at Rs 7.50 and Rs 5 per unit, respectively.

You claim 11% agriculture growth in state while your government's data says production has shrunk at 1.18% annually and revenue declined from Rs 27,815 crore in 2006-07 to Rs 25,908 crore in 2012-13. Why?

In the past 10 years, two-thirds of all SMEs have shut down in Gujarat, especially in your home town Mehsana where 140 units out of 187 stopped working,
Do you want to concentrate all power in the hands of a few big industrial houses?

You claim to have eradicated corruption in Gujarat.
But if ask to the People of Gujarat people say that that up to Rs 10 lakh bribe is demanded for appointment, job  of a 'talati' (revenue official).
If someone wants to make BPL card he has to pay bribe
There is corruption in Indira Awas Yojna also

Your ministry has people like Babu Bokhiria, convicted for three years in a mining case, and Purshottam Solanki, accused in a Rs 450 crore fishing scandal.

Why have you inducted in your cabinet a minister who is the son-in-law of the Ambani family?
You made him minister for Power, Mining why?

About 13 lakh people applied for 1,500 posts of 'talati' recently. How can you claim to have solved the problem of unemployment?

Why is your government exploiting young graduates by paying them only Rs 5,300 per month for five years on contract basis?
How one family can survive with the salary of just Rs. 5300 only

There are only three teachers to teach 600 students at some schools. What is your comment?
With such type of schools colleges how India can make progress?

Medical and health services are in a shambles.
People are suffering
Many places majority post are vacant

Around 800 farmers have committed suicide in Gujarat in recent years because the government has stopped subsidies and is not paying support prices.
You say villages get 24 hours electricity but 4 Lakh applications of farmers are pending in government who want electricity from last few years

Your government took the land from farmers and many farmers did not even receive the payment for the land why is it so?

Farmers have not been paid adequately for their land while the Ambanis and Adanis have got it for just one rupee per square metre.

Sardar Sarovar dam's height was raised in 2005 but after 8 years also  people of Kutch have not got waterIndustries have been given water. Why?

You said that land from the Sikh farmers will not be taken by government who are staying in Gujarat But the Gujarat government has not withdrawn court cases against Sikh farmers of Kutch who have lost their land. Why?
How many planes and helicopters do you have?
Who owns them?
How much do you pay or does someone else pay for them?
Why don't you make public these air expenses?

Reality views by sm –

Saturday, March 08, 2014

Tags – Arvind Kejriwal 16 questions Narendra Modi


deeps March 08, 2014  

a lot of home work done..!!

Destination Infinity March 09, 2014  

hmmm... in politics, ignorance seems to be bliss (for people).

Destination Infinity