15 March 2014

In Depth with details ASCI upheld COMPLAINTS AGAINST 87 OUT OF 108 advertisements

In Depth with details ASCI upheld COMPLAINTS AGAINST 87 OUT OF 108 advertisements


ASCI’s proactive initiatives saw the number of complaints increase 5 times (YoY)
in 2013

Personal and healthcare sector was no 1 in misleading advertising followed by
Education category in 2013

In December 2013, ASCI’s Consumer Complaints Council (CCC) Upheld complaints against 87 ads.  Health & Personal Care category continued to lead with the highest number of complaints received In December 2013. 

In  the  year  2013,  Advertising  Standards  Council  of  India  introduced  various  initiatives  ensuring
quicker  and  stronger  actions  against  all  advertisements  violating  its  code.    The National
Advertising  Monitoring  Service  (NAMS)  helped  the  self-regulatory  body  to  cast  its  net  wide  on
the  defaulting  advertisers,  and  Online  Complaint  and  Monitoring  Service  (OCMS)  made  it
Convenient and faster for consumers to file complaints against misleading advertisements.

In  addition,  ASCI  also  launched  online  monitoring  of  ads  to  track  advertisements  in  the  online
Space and also introduced Suspension Pending Investigation for taking quick action against those
Advertisements whose continuation may be against public interest. These initiatives resulted in a
Five-fold increase in the number of complaints.

In  2013,  the  CCC  decided  on  1842  complaints  out  of  which  1477  were  upheld.  Out of these
misleading  advertisements,  approximately  40%  were  the  education  sector  advertisements  and
36% from the personal and healthcare category.

ASCI CCC Decisions in December 2013


The CCC  found  the  following  claims  in health  and  personal  care  product  or  service ads  of  65
advertisers,  released  in  the  press to  be either  misleading  or  false  or not Adequately/scientifically substantiated and hence violating ASCI’s Code. Some of the health care products  or  services  ads  also contravened  provisions  of  the  Drug  &  Magic  Remedies  Act.

Complaints against the following ads were UPHELD –

The Body Care Slimming & Beauty Clinic for Men and Women:
Claims that they can help with 10 kg weight loss & 40-50 cms loss.

Ranbaxy  Laboratories  Ltd:  Claims  that  by  consuming  Ranbaxy  Garlic  Plus  every  day  is
more effective than eating raw garlic or cooked.

Benda  Accupuncture  Slimming  Centre:  Successful  treatment  of  paralysis,  Parkinson,
deafness etc.

Uranyx Healthcare: Claims that Ura Stone Drill Syrup helps you get rid of kidney stone.

Hotmain  Dawakhana:100%  quick,  effective  and  permanent  treatment  of  impotence,
premature  ejaculation,  small-thinness,  semen  in  urine,  night  fall,  sugar,  nil  sperms,  less

Devi  Ayurvedic  Products:
Claims  that  these  products  are  very  beneficial  in  Liver  and
Kidney problems.

Hindustan  Research  Health  Product:
Zeroton  claims  that  ‘With the consumption  of
Zeroton one need not go for a regular exercise.’

Adhi India Advanced Hair Restoration Centre:
Claims  that  they  have  received  award  for
'Best Hair Transplant & Hair Restoration Organization in India' for the year 2013.

Piles Care Point: Claims that they help get rid from all types of addictions; get your kidney
stone removed by Ayurvedic medicine.

Welkin  Convergence  Pvt  Ltd:
Morning  Mist  claims  that  the  1.  Nectar  drops  are  specially
formulated combination of antioxidants.
The glucose tolerance factors in nectar drops helps  insulin  combine  with  its  receptors  easily  &  hence  regulate  blood  sugar,  protects
pancreas and manages diabetes and its complications.

Baljiwan Medicines Pvt Ltd:
The Shakti Tarang consists of Shilajit & Ashwagandha.
Shilajit - Stops impotency, premature ejaculation and helps in increasing time.
Ashwagandha  -  Makes  new  semen,  makes  semen  thick  and  makes  muscles

Rechoice Hair Oil:
Claims the ‘money back guarantee on hair growth upto 2 inch within 35 days.

Welfeed Remedies Pvt Ltd:
Kush Drops claims that it enhances memory power. 2. Luv
Kush drops are 100% ayurvedic and free from side effects.’

Smile Dental Zone:
Claims that it is the ‘most trusted no.1 advanced dental clinic.’

Keya  Seths  Aromatherapy:
Keya  Seths  Keya  Special  claims  that  it  helps  you  get  ‘slim
without gym’, ‘cut down on obesity’. ‘Reduces excess body fat, provides nourishment,
enriched with natural goodness, 100% ayurvedic & ‘no side effects.’

Pangene Biotech Ltd:
Bodydear Range of Products claim various misleading claims: 
Vaginal Tightening Cream has all natural ingredients that nourishes and feeds the cells
of the vagina & helps in firmness & tightening.
Breast  massage  cream  has  all  natural  ingredients  that  nourishes  and  feeds  the  cell
below  the  breast,  and  helps  in  enhancing.  Firmness,  plumpness,  fullness  and a  more
young looking looks.

Age  Defence  Q10  Protection  Cream:
This  advance  age-lock  formula  enriched  with
world  patent  seplift  DPHP  which  is  clinically  proven  to  have  60%  effective  against
wrinkles. It is a safe and effective way to look young.

Vinayaka  Ayur  Hospital  &  Panchkarma  Center:
Claims  that  it  ‘cures epilepsy, cures jaundice from its roots in just 4-8 days with 100% guarantee.’

The Inspiration:
Claims that you can ‘lose 10 kgs in 21 days, 4000 people have taken laser
treatments and they are happy ‘happy losers’, instant inch loss by ultrasonic techniques’.

Teleone Consumer Products Pvt. Ltd:
Love Forever Capsules enhances sexual pleasure.

Hindustan  Research  Health  Products:
Claims  that  the  consumption  of  Fit  O  Fit  Capsule
keeps one fit always.

Sri  Sai  Ayurvedashram:
Claims that ‘with the commencement of the treatment, spots
become invisible and it starts to appear as normal skin complexion.’

Sudama  Aushadhalaya:
Claims  that  it  can  help ‘remove white spots 100% from roots, be
the spot new or old, the colour of the spots will change and mix up with the skin colour
by applying our ayurvedic medicine’.

SR Pharma:
Virgin Again Extra claims ‘result in 5 minutes,  ‘Helps to compress the vagina’,
‘Helps removing the looseness of vagina’,  ‘helps in giving strength to the tissues in
interior walls of the vagina and brings them back in the original form’,  ‘100% ayurvedic

Sharmayu  Fat  Free  claims  that  ‘age 30, look 20’, ‘easy  way  to  look  slim  and
smart’. Pack visual claim – ‘Loose excess fat’. ‘Product name - Fat free.’

Shiv Shakti Ayurved:
Claims that it ‘remove stones out without operation. Get relief from
any type of piles in just 3 days’.

Uranyx Healthcare:
Uranyx  range  of  products claims that it can help you ‘get rid of your
chronic diseases’, ‘get rid of stone - DMR violation’. ‘Ura Stone Drill Syrup removes stone
by finding them.’

Vegitot Cream:
Claims that it ‘tightens the vaginal walls and makes you feel young.’

Kesh Apsara Hair Oil:
Claims that it ‘stops hair fall in just 7 days.’

Breast Developer Oil & Capsules:
Claims that ‘see the beauty and size of your breasts in
just 10 minutes for the size and shape.’

Amrit  Ayurveda  Enterprise:
Visual  implies  product  meant  to  enhance  sexual  pleasure.
DMR violation on claims like ‘increases manpower and gives new strength and energy’,
‘brings enjoyment in youth and ageing’, ‘reduce weight without fasting or without
exercise. ‘Reduce weight and look beautiful’.

Femi Care Tonic claims that ‘ayurvedic medicine for women's complete health.’
Was not substantiated.

Super  Height:
Claims that it will ‘increase height 2 times faster, India's no.1 product in
India  which  helps  grow  height  faster  which  is  beneficial  in  mental  and  physical
development’. ‘Increase 3-5 inch height in 3 months, very effective till the age of 34.’

Janki  Aushadhalaya:
Claims that it is ‘100% herbal ayurvedic medicine’, ‘make penis
shapely and increase sex power by 30 to 45 minutes’, ‘get 100% rid of impotentness,
prematurer ejaculation, nil sperms, night fall, and bad habits like masturbation’

Seva Herbal - ‘Impotency’, ‘Premature Ejaculation’, ‘Safe and successful Treatment’,  ‘No 1
Herbal Clinic in North Bengal’,  ‘Size Enhancer’.

Krushna  Health  Care:  Claims  that  it  can  ‘get  you  permanently  rid  of  premature
ejaculation,  impotency,  small  penis,  thinness  of  penis,  crookedness,  night  fall  and
weakness arised due semen in urine.’  ‘100% herbal medicine.’

Dr.  Dev  Slimming  Clinic:  Claims  that  it  helps  lose  4-5  kg  weight  loss  in  10  days.  It  also
offers money back guarantee as also 30 kgs weight loss is being promised.

Sun  Clinic:
Claims that it is ‘100% successful treatment of STDs,  impotency,  nightfall,
premature ejaculations.’ 

Sangita  Homeo:
Bahaar  Oil/Shampoo  claims that it is a ‘complete solution for baldness,
hair fall, greying of hair and dandruff’,  ‘shows result in just 5 days’,  ‘re-grows hair’,  ‘gets
rid of baldness.’

Amrut  Booty  Capsule:
Claims that it ‘gets rid of premature ejaculation’, ‘makes  semen
thick and removes its thinness’, improves the circulation of blood in the penis and
removes the problems of penis, thereby making it more hard and fatty,  ‘stops night fall /
semen in urine and is effective forever.’

HST  Herbal  Masti  Course:
Capsules/Oil  claims  that  ‘successful  treatment  of  sexual
weakness,  lack  of  sex,  premature  ejaculation,  manly  weakness,  flaccidity  of  organs,
smallness,  lack  of  sperms  and  nil  sperms,  mistakes  of      childhood  and  masturbation,
semen, nightfall.’

Sora GM: Oil/Capsules claims that ‘the problem of Psoriasis can be solved permanently by
Ayurvedic Medicine Sora-GM oil, capsule and pills.’

Meck Pharmachem Limited:
Glucomeck Tablets claims it is ‘very effective for the disease
of Chicken Guniya.’

Tirth  Sai  Healthcare:
Proto  Capsules  claim  that  ‘Feeling  of  Energy,  Freshness  and
Enthusiasm’, ‘Capsule enriched with White Musli, Shilajit and Salam’, ‘Increases immunity
power’, Visuals imply product meant to enhance sexual pleasure.

France  Natural  Products:
Guarana  Fat  Burner  claims that it is ‘100% Natural & Veg, No
Side Effects’,   ‘Guarana Fat Burner tablets dissolves the excess fat and max to lose
weight  even  if  you  were  fat  since  childhood.  An  individual  can  expect  to  lose  anywhere
between 05-20kg in 30 days depending upon the metabolism of your body’.

Dr. Sheetal’s Slim Express:
Claims  that the patients’ insulin stopped or that she/he lost
weight in the sessions of HFU & ion magnum.

Sarkar  Dispensary:
The advertisement claims that it ‘Got International respect for the
second consecutive year in Dubai’,  ‘Successful treatment of childlessness, semen in
urine,  night  fall,  premature  ejaculation,  smallness,  weakness,  sagginess,  anxiety’,
‘Successful treatment weakness raised due to Sugar, Age & Obesity’

Aura Nutraceuticals Limited:
Kohinoorprash Ayurvedic Chyavanprash claims that
Kohinoorprash - enriched with Hirak, Suvarna bhasma & Shilajit - to  keep away senility,
debility and ageing process, - For sexual weakness & low immunity power, - For
enhancement of longetivity, vigour & vitality.

Kashyap Clinic claims that ‘sure benefit of internal weakness, leukoria, by Ayurved and

Piramal Enterprises Ltd:
Polycrol Xpress Relief claims that ‘It can knock out acidity in 5

Dr Batra’s Positive Health Clinic:
Dr Batra’s Homeopathic Clinic claims that it is ‘Awarded
as India's only Trusted Brand in Homeopathy - Brand Trust Report – 2013.’

Shree  Baidyanath  Ayurved  Bhawan  :
Baidyanath  Vita  Ex  Gold  Plus claims that it ‘Never
lets you down’, ‘Gold Bhasma -  Scientifically  proven to be a natural potent aphrodisiac’,
‘Baidyanath Vita-ex Gold Plus Capsule - For Vigour & Vitality.’

Bio  -  Green  Healthcare  claims that it ‘Helps get rid of sugar, obesity, constipation, joints
pain, hair problems, gas- acidity.’

Innovative  Cure  claims  ‘Complete freedom from baldness’, ‘No increasing white spots
(Leucoderma)’, ‘Get the skin colour immediately’ 

Sehat Homoeopathy claims ‘Get rid of Baldness permanently, grows hair in just 14 days’,
‘Natural Permanent Hair’,  ‘Pain free procedure’,  ‘100% Guaranteed Result’

Shivani  Aushadhalay  &Naturopathic  Hospital  claims ‘Treatment of increasing chest and

Emami  Limited:  Zandu  Sona  Chandi  Chyawanprash  Plus  claims  that  the  product  gives  a
child a sharp brain like Einstein & immunity like Bheem.

Kuzaolin Slimming, Laser, Beauty &Ayurveda advertisement promises weight loss of 5 kg
and 10 kg in 1 week with lipolysis.

Dr. P. K. Jain Clinics claims ‘Meet for most successful treatment of Sex Problems and less
sperm count.’, ‘World's No.1 sexologist Top ranking sexologist’,

AAA  Teleshopping  P.Ltd:
Sampoorna  Vastu  Shanti  Sangreh  advertisement  shows  that
some TV actors claim that this product will do Miracles and will remove all the sorrows of
the buyers of this product. 

Shri  Guru  Nanak  Dev  Ayur  Dispensary:
The  advertisement  claims  ‘Assured  treatment  of
hair problems (visual indicates baldness), skin disease, obesity.’

Clarins White Plus claims that ‘After 4 weeks, Asian women testing this product
saw  the  following  results:  91%  Less  yellowish  skin  tone,  87%  More  even  and  clearer
complexion, 87% Improved rosy luminescence’ Super: Satisfaction test, 53 Asian women,
4 weeks.

Suo motu: Johnson & Johnson Ltd (Johnson   Baby Soap) claims Saumyata ke 12 tests’.

Dabur India Limited: Fem Bleach Cream claims that is is ‘the first dermatologically tested

Go Addiction Plus claims that, ‘the use of this product for the perfect cure for the people
addicted with alcohol, cigarette, tobacco, etc.

Procter & Gamble Hygiene and Health Care Ltd: However the claim “Wella color provides
superior damage protection”, was not substantiated.


Anurag  Aggarwal  Institute  of  Public  Speaking:
The claims ‘ISO9000-2000 certified’, MPs from
various  political  parties  as  their  clients, ranking  by Google  as  No.1,  were  not substantiated.    The
Website Ad contravened Chapter I.1 of the Code.  The complaint was UPHELD.

Saffron Eduworld Pvt Ltd’s Saffron  Eduworld  Coaching,  BSC  Academy,  National  Institute  of
Banking,  Tara  Institute,  Lakshya  Bankers,  National  Institute  of  Nursery  Teachers,  Jeet
Conceptual  Classes,  Indian  Institute  of  Emergency  Medical  Services  (IIEMS),  Karunya
University’s Karunya School of Business, Leadership and Management

Complaints against advertisements of All above educational institutes were UPHELD because of
unsubstantiated claims that they ‘provide 100% placement/AND/OR they claim to be the no.1 in
their respective fields’.


Bajaj Electricals Ltd:
Bajaj CFL Bulbs shows poor lighting, hides skin fairness of a girl who has to
meet a potential suitor the next day.  The ad denigrates women based on the color of the skin of
the girl. The complaint was UPHELD.


The CCC concluded that the claims mentioned in these 8 advertisements were not substantiated.
The advertisements contravened ASCI’s Code.  The complaints were UPHELD.

Organic Living Pvt Ltd: Organic Living Fat Out Oil claims that it removes excess fats in few
days of its use.

Star  Vision  Aloe  Star  Juice:  Claims that it helps ‘control high blood  pressure  in  30  days.
Effect starts from the 1st day.’ ‘First time in India most viscous, fibrous and pure Aloe Vera

Cadbury  India  Ltd:  Cadbury  Choclairs  claims  that  this  chocolate  does  not  stick  in  your
teeth.  They  changed  their  name  from  Cadbury  eclairs  to  Cadbury  choclairs  claiming  the
chocolate does not stick.

Nashik  Vintners Pvt. Ltd: Sula Vineyards claims that ‘Diwali Manaye Bharat Ki Pasandida
Wine Ke Saath Sula Vineyards A/c. 12.5% v/v.’

Jeevan  Sanchay  Distributors:  Jeevan  Sanchay  Soup  (powder)  claims  that  ‘Soup  Maker  -
Best  and  world's first for reducing weight’,  ‘100% Natural’,    ‘Jeevan  Sanchay  Powder
(Churna)  -  World's  first  technique  for  reducing  weight’,    ‘Without  exercise  -  without
medicine  -  without  fasting  -  without  operation’,    ‘Without  Chemicals  -  without  artificial
flavours  -  without  sugar  -  without  salt’,    ‘This  powder  is  effective  on  other  effects  of
obesity along with reducing weight’,  ‘Reduce weight 5 to 15 kg in 30 days’.

Vimal: Vimal Pan Masala claims that it is ‘world's No.1 selling Pan Masala’.

Haldiram Foods International Ltd: Haldiram Salted Peanuts claims that the pack shows, a
whole nut which is white and large in size, which appears to be export quality. Whereas
the packet contains cut pieces and roasted half nuts.


ICICI Bank Ltd:
ICICI Pockets advertisement shows a lady driving a scooter with 2 pillion (children
on the back) riders which is against the rules, no one is wearing a helmet and she is also depicted
as  promoting  unsafe  driving  as  she  has  only  1  hand  on  the  handle.  The  Ad  depicts  unsafe
practices.  The website advertisement contravened Chapter III.3 of the ASCI Code.  The complaint

Microtek  International  Pvt.  Ltd.:
Microtek  Inverter  UPS  claims  that  the  inverter  saves  electricity
was not substantiated.

JAM  venture  Publishing  Pvt.  Ltd:
The  advertisement  is  a  false  job  advertisement  for  the  Royal
National Hotel, London.

Ceat Ltd:
In the TVC, a girl is shown driving a car while another lady sits in the backseat. They are
constantly talking to each other. The protagonist in the TVC is shown driving carelessly and the
TVC shows an unsafe practice.  The advertisement contravened Chapter III.3 of the ASCI Code
and the Guidelines on Advertisements for Automotive Vehicles.  The complaint was UPHELD.

About Advertising Standard Council of India (ASCI)

Advertising Standard  Council  of  India  is  a voluntary  organization self-regulating  advertising
content  for the  advertising  industry.  The  Role  and  Functioning  of  the  ASCI  &  its  Consumer
Complaints  Council  (CCC)  is  in  dealing  with  Complaints  received  from  Consumers  and  Industry,
against  Advertisements  which  are  considered  as  False,  Misleading,  Indecent,  Illegal,  leading to Unsafe  practices,  or  Unfair  to  competition,  and  consequently  in  contravention  of  the  ASCI Code for Self-Regulation in Advertising.

Source – ASCI

Suggested Reading –

Know about Advertising Standards Council of India [ASCI] and powers

Reality views by sm –

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Tags – False Advertisement Complaint List ASCI


Destination Infinity March 15, 2014  

Good to know that there is something called 'Advertising Standard Council of India'. But I am not sure what actions are they authorized to take, if any.

Whether there is a regulatory body or not, these ads will only result in diminishing the image/credibility of companies. I am not sure why a company would pay for reducing their own popularity!

Destination Infinity

rudraprayaga March 18, 2014  

Malpractices everywhere,then why advertisements stand alone.People fall prey in their clutches.Thank you for the info.

Anonymous,  March 18, 2014  

i hav used morni mist tablets lustrous hair growth-welkin but had severe hheadaches for 15 days.i gae the feedback to the cmpany and asked for refund but there is no response