Why AAP Law Minister Somnath Bharati must resign
Why AAP Law Minister Somnath Bharati must resign
AAP minister Somnath Bharati is damaging AAP image
Accusations on him
Bad Remarks from judge in Corruption Case
Tampering with evidence
As per media reports he exposed name of the rape victim
He became Police and ordered police to do unlawful thing, the woman was tested for drugs and she was found drug free
Bharti and his supporters alleged that a sex trade and drug peddling racket was flourishing in the locality with the help of foreign nationals, mostly Nigerians.
Bharti had a hot argument with an assistant commissioner of police, even as his supporters created a lot of commotion.
It’s damaging image of Aap and Arvind Kejriwal
When AAP is going to Pass Jan Lokpal Bill
you got time to go find the females who are in flesh trade or people who are taking drugs
If you got time for such things, then why you are delaying passing of Jan Lokpal Bill for Delhi
Delhi as well as Indian citizens and supporters are waiting for Jan Lokpal for Delhi
We must remember that once Police Reforms are made no minister can dare to treat police officers as their servants
Action of Law Minister clearly shows that he treated them as his own servants
We must respect police officers and must punish them if they take bribes or do corruption
Reality views by sm –
Thursday, January 16, 2014
Tags – AAP Somnath Bharati