02 January 2014

Know 42 Facts from Arvind Kejriwal Speech in Delhi Assembly

Know 42 Facts from Arvind Kejriwal Speech in Delhi Assembly

Below is the text of Arvind Kejriwal speech in Delhi Assembly
42 Facts 

Gave good luck to everyone

Everyone who has done corruption in last 15 years in Delhi Government or MCD he will be punished by government no one will be spared

In coming years of any AAP member or minister indulges in corruption he will be punished

Told who AAM Aadmi is
Arvind Kejriwal said that
Middle class is aam aadmi,
Street food vendor is aam admi,
Anyone who wants to banish corruption is aam Aadmi
Each person who wants a clean and honest government and honest system is an AAM Aadmi

Each person who wants dishonest government and dishonest system is a Khass Aadmi
Then he may belong to rich class or poor class he is a Khass Aadmi

I want to say lot and it’s not against any person or anybody

We are not here to play the party politics, game of party politics

Who are we 28 elected people?

Look at Vandana why she fought election she is a home maker

Look at Akhilesh, he came to Delhi to give civil service exam
Why he fought elections

We are common citizens, we have no status

In our life we never thought we will fight elections

We never thought we will form a political party

But today now this assembly has to think why common man felt he that he need to contest elections
Common citizen of India what he wants?
Common man wants food for his stomach
Common man wants clothes
Common man wants a small house for his family a house with water and electricity
Common man wants good education for his kids
Common man wants good medical facilities
Common man wants security for him and his family his kids
Common man wants good judicial system

Above are the simple things desires of Indian common man but in last 65 years he has not got that which common man wants

We must think why this happened why his simple wishes and desires are not fulfilled in last 65 years


Yesterday I read that 2 people died in Delhi because of cold now we have to think why this happened

In last 65 years government spend billions of rupees, unlimited money but still this happened
Where that money went
What happened with that money?

If that money was spent properly he would have got the simple things which Indian common man wants

But that money went to political system


We must accept that in this country Political system has become corrupt
Criminalization of politics has happened


Why today education is bad –
Reason – Political system is corrupt

Today health sector is in bad condition
Reason - Political system is corrupt

Today we have electricity problems, we have water problems, and we do not have good roads, transport system
Reason - Political system is corrupt

Now we all must unite and change this corrupt political system of India
Two years ago common man, people  came on road and asked  to politicians to make a law against corruption

But politicians told them if you got the guts contest elections and make a law against the corruption

Politicians thought the common man of India is afraid and poor
How he will fight elections
We [politicians] got money power, we politicians got muscle power
How dare a common Indian man will contest elections?

But this was the biggest mistake of Politicians

They forgot common man does work in agriculture or farm lands not politicians

They forgot cloth is made by common man not politicians

They forgot common man works on construction sites not politicians

The common man drives auto, taxi not politician

Common man, Indian goes to moon not politician

Common man does the research not politician


When common man realized that politicians will do nothing they decided to contest elections


Common man wanted to clean the political system, but he lacked funds and problem was that he cannot accept funds from bad people or black money

But still he decided to fight election with honesty


And the fight started who thought that one year old party will win 28 seats

Politicians made jokes, it seemed impossible task

But there is saying that the man who has no one has a support of God

God supports the truth and honesty

And on 4th and 8th December magic happened

Common man Aam Aadmi won elections


Now this fight is for removing corruption from India
We have to clean the corrupt system

Now we have to see who is with common man in this fight


Talks about 17 point, problems faced by Delhi residents

In India we got the system that when VIP or politician travels he does not stop on traffic lights
All common man stop for him so the VIP politician does not waste his time

Last 6 or 7 days I am travelling, I stop on the traffic lights but I have not wasted any time

They say that it’s for the safety of politician

But truth is that one lives until god wants no one can kill you
When god wants one dies

Now we demand that we must end this VIP culture from Delhi as well as India


Must bring strong law to curb corruption

26 –
Citizens charter with punishment for officers if work is not done properly on time

If common goes to government for simple things example
Fixing a street light which is not working he is told that no money

But we see that same roads are made or repaired again and again

Yes there is money with government

But they decide everything in closed rooms may be reason is corruption and they will do the work which involves millions of rupees like Rs.50 or 100 Crore


But now on common man will not tolerate this , now on where the money should be spend will be decided by common man not the politicians in closed doors

Above were few reasons we fought freedom fight against British

We did not fight freedom struggle that someone else should sit on the place of British
We did not fought so that we will visit the homes of politicians for our work


Now we want to change this in Delhi we want to bring peoples government in Delhi


Must get statehood for Delhi


Audit of electricity companies after that we will decide the prices of electricity

Solving the water problems of Delhi residents
Water Bill, Extra charging fast Water Meters

Problem of Unauthorized colonies
Must give them basic amenities

Solving problems of slums

34 –
Solving contractors and payment problems

Solving problems of Businessmen who want to do business honesty

No FDI in Retail

Must give subsidy to farmers
They must get good payments for their land

Improving condition of government schools, increasing government schools
No one wants to send their kids in government school

Private school and donation problem
Must stop donation system

Government hospital improving condition
Make them as good as private hospital

Female security –
Improving judicial system one should get justice in 3 or 6 months

42 –
Increase in number of Courts

Reality views by sm –

Thursday, January 02, 2014

Tags – Arvind Kejriwal Speech


Destination Infinity January 02, 2014  

Super. Now let's see what he does about all that, provided Cong. extends unconditional support for 5 full years.

Destination Infinity

Renu January 03, 2014  

I am happy with a little skepticism because he has taken support from congress and started with subsidies and freebies...

रविकर January 03, 2014  

बढ़िया प्रस्तुति है आदरणीय -

Sandhya January 03, 2014  

I too didn't like him taking support from Congress party which he criticised a lot earlier. But then we might have had to face the Presidential rule. Let us see if he is able to complete the 5 years and if congress is going to support him throughout!

It was nice to read this in detail here, sm!