09 December 2013

For Jan Lokpal Bill Anna Hazare to go on indefinite fast from 10th December

For Jan Lokpal Bill Anna Hazare to go on indefinite fast from 10th December

Anna Hazare will launch an indefinite hunger strike from Tuesday, 10th December to press for the passage of the Jan Lokpal Bill in parliament.

Anna Hazare told to media that we have been promised repeatedly that the bill will be passed. But it is more than a year and it has not been passed yet.
The government has taken the people for a ride

He demanded that the bill must come up during the ongoing winter session of parliament, and said he would continue his hunger strike until the promised legislation is passed.

Anna Hazare said that "Congress has cheated the people" on this issue, and warned that if it continues to dilly-dally further, the voters will again vent their anger against the ruling party at the center in the 2014 Lok Sabha elections.

Location of fast –

Where Anna Hazare will seat for indefinite fast?

Hazare plans to sit on hunger-strike near the Yadavbaba temple in his Ralegan Siddhi village in Ahmednagar district along with his supporters and some volunteers.

Reality views by sm –

Monday, December 09, 2013

Tags – Anna Hazare indefinite fast


Destination Infinity December 09, 2013  

This time, it might be passed. They have already seen the consequence of delaying it, during the polls.

Destination Infinity