12 December 2013

Climate Change Support Arctic 30 jailed for protesting oil drilling in Russia

Climate Change Support Arctic 30 who are jailed for protesting oil drilling in Russia

30 men and women are accused of hooliganism in Russia for a peaceful protest against oil drilling in the fragile Arctic. These are serious charges and they could spend years in prison if convicted for a crime they did not commit. Let’s free them for good and bring them home now.

Stand with the Arctic 30. Send a message to your local Russian embassy right now.

Russian embassies report back to Moscow every day about what's happening in their countries. We need your help to keep their inboxes flooded with messages of support for the the Arctic 30.

Who are the Arctic 30 and what do they stand for?

28 activists, a freelance photographer and a freelance videographer, were involved in a protest against the Gazprom Arctic drilling platform Prirazlomnaya on September 18th. Two of the activists tried to climb the side of the platform to hang a banner. One day later, Russian security services descended from a helicopter onto the deck of the Greenpeace ship Arctic Sunrise, seized the ship at gunpoint and detained the entire crew.

The activists, crew and journalists were at the Gazprom rig because they felt compelled to bear witness to the slow, unrelenting destruction of the Arctic. As the ice is retreating, oil companies are moving north to drill for the fuels that drive that melting. The Arctic 30 are people who care enough about the world we live in to take a stand and protect it. The Arctic is a stunning place, home to unique species including polar bears and Arctic foxes. Drilling for oil there is an appalling act that threatens this extraordinary environment, and the world’s climate.

How your letter will help

We need your voice to help keep the letters coming into Russian embassy inboxes. It's part of their job to keep the Kremlin informed about what's happening in their host countries.

The more embassies reporting back about this global surge of outrage every day, the more likely the Arctic 30 will be treated fairly and quickly released. Every letter is counted and each letter counts.

The charges of piracy and hooliganism, which carry maximum 15 and 7 year jail sentences respectively, are extreme and disproportionate. Yet these are the charges being made against all 30. They made their stand in the interests of us all. Now we must come together and stand with them.

Take action, send a message to the Russian embassy now.

Watch the footage
The footage shows Russian security agents descending onto the ship from a helicopter by rope on September 19.
It also shows how those on board surrendered peacefully to the armed security officers with their arms raised.

"As you can see on the video, the Greenpeace International crew are clearly displaying non-resistance. They are doing their utmost to signal their peaceful intention and the best way to do that is to show yourself in full, with raised arms. They are not the actions of hooligans or pirates, as the authorities allege," said Vladimir Chuprov, Senior Campaigner at Greenpeace Russia.

Video Footage

Below is the link to send a letter


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Thursday, December 12, 2013

Tags – Arctic 30 Support Greenpeace