21 November 2013

Arvind Kejriwal statement tweet on Sting Operation on AAP Candidates

Arvind Kejriwal statement tweet on Sting Operation on AAP Candidates
 The Sting operation tapes feature AAP leaders Shazia Ilmi and Kumar Vishwas accepting funds without checking the background of the donors.

The sting operation was also done on AAP candidates from

a)Kondli (Manoj Kumar)

b)Sangam Vihar (Dinesh Mohaniya)

c)Okhla (Irfan Ullah Khan)

d)Rohtas Nagar (Mukesh Hooda)

e)Deoli (Prakash)

f)Palam (Bhawna Gaur)

Kumar Vishwas told to media that "An event company approached me and requested me to perform. They offered Rs 50,000 and we have not done anything wrong in accepting the cash,"

Arvind Kejriwal tweeted following on  the sting operation on AAP candidates

Some sting operations done on our candidates. Our team, including Sanjay Singh and Yogendra Yadav, looking into it. We will not spare if anyone is guilty.

We will walk the talk. There would be absolutely no compromise against corruption," Arvind Kejriwal.

 Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has entered the electoral arena with a mission to clean politics. The party has come into being on the basis of a popular movement against corruption. It is committed to upholding the highest values in public life. AAP has assured the electors of Delhi that if there is any credible evidence of corruption, criminality or dubious character against any of its 70 candidates, the Party shall withdraw its support to that candidate even if we have to leave the seat vacant.

Today, a CD containing sting operation against some of our candidates and another leader has been released in the public domain. These are excerpts and edited version of a series of sting operations conducted over the last few weeks. We believe that more such “disclosures” maybe in the offing.

AAP takes serious view of these allegations. We have been the target of a spate of allegations in the last one week or so. The timing and nature of these allegations suggest that these are motivated. It is not surprising that a party that seeks to redefine moral standards in politics is being collectively targeted by powerful vested interests, including the big parties, some corrupt sections of the media and corporate. Nevertheless, AAP owes an explanation to the nation for every serious allegation, irrespective of its source or the motives.

The Political Affairs Committee (PAC) of AAP has decided to review the evidence presented to the public and take a decision on this issue within the next 24 hours. The PAC has requested everyone named in the CD to present their version. We have also requested Mr. Anuranjan Jha to provide us with the raw, unedited footage of the sting operation by tomorrow morning.

The PAC will meet tomorrow and take a final decision. The Party shall not hesitate in taking strict action, including withdrawing the candidature, if any of the allegations are found to be credible.

Below is Email sent to Mr. Anuranjan Jha seeking raw, unedited footage of  sting
Mr Anuranjan Jha,                                                                                                .
Sub: Request for Raw Video Footage
Dear Mr Jha,
This is with reference to the sting operation you did today in a Press Conference.  In order to understand the matter completely and take appropriate action, we would need to look at the complete video footage without any editing.

In our press conference today, we have committed to take action against erring candidates in next 24 hours, in case matter reported does have any merit. In order to meet this deadline, we need your cooperation and would need the complete footage by tomorrow,  11 am. We would pick it up from wherever you want us to.

Best Regards
Pankaj Kumar Gupta.
National Secretary
(Aam Aadmi Party)
21st Nov 2013

---------------- End of  letter ---------------------------------------------

Updated on Friday, November 22, 2013 4.55 PM

To verify the truth about Sting Operation on Aap leaders Aap requested to the persons who did sting to handover the raw footage of sting operation.

But Anuranjan Jha, told to media that we will not hand over the tape to the AAP

AAP leader Yogendra Yadav told a press conference here that the alleged tapes seem to be "doctored", adding "we want the whole truth to be out."

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Thursday, November 21, 2013

Tags – Sting AAP


Rama Ananth November 21, 2013  

It is sad. It goes to prove the fact, that getting into politics is like getting into a cess pool, nobody can avoid the stink. There will be some rotten apples to spoil the image of the party.It is not easy to form a party and keep it clean from both inside and outside.
I really feel sad for Arvind Kejeriwal. And I hate the way both the BJP and congress are gloating over it. As if saying : " people who live in glass houses should not throw stones at others" absolves them of all the corruption in their own parties.

SM November 22, 2013  

@Rama Ananth


Its sad for all the supporters of AAP and Arvind Kejriwal

Destination Infinity November 22, 2013  

This is sad, but nothing is lost. This issue brings fourth the question of funding of parties for election campaigning. People need to think how a party with good intentions can collect funds for election campaigning without 'vested' interests getting involved. All of us know how much more the mainstream parties are making through exactly this mechanism, without declaring anything.

AAP will have to come to a firm conclusion on how to accept funds and from whom to accept funds. It will be difficult in the beginning, but a proper method should be standardized with time. We people should be with them, until then.

Imagine the position from which AAP candidates are contesting in the election and the huge road blocks placed ahead of them (including lack of funds). The party needs to learn from this mistake and become stronger, soon. And yes, plucking out weeds at the beginning itself will only make the party stronger.

Destination Infinity