Explained Importance of None of the above NOTA option on voting machine
Explained Importance of None of the above NOTA option on voting machine
What means none of the above NOTA option on voting machine EVM?
NOTA gives choice to voter to reject all the candidates.
None of the above NOTA is also called as Right to reject
NOTA is an option which is given on a voting machine or on a ballot paper
Now many Indians have started to say what is the use of NOTA?
What difference NOTA will make?
NOTA will change nothing?
What is “None of the above” (NOTA) option?
NOTA option enables a voter to officially register a vote of rejection of all contesting candidates
Available in the election. The ECI has recommended that the NOTA option must be made
available on the electronic voting machine (EVM) for the voter to officially reject all candidates.
Few days back The Supreme Court directed the Election Commission to provide a 'none of the above' button in EVMs for voters to reject candidates contesting elections.
Why Supreme Court of India ordered?
The People’s Union for Civil Liberties (PUCL) had moved the SC court in 2004 with a plea that voters should have a right to negative vote, saying that it does not want to vote any of the candidates listed in EVM.
It’s the duty of the Supreme Court of India to protect the rights of Indians
Right to secrecy at the ballot is a fundamental right of every Indian citizen.
Before this judgment of SC Indian citizens enjoyed the right to say none of the above option but it violated fundamental right of Indian citizens
The procedure was that Indian citizen has to inform the poll officer who do not want to vote, which made aware to everyone, secondly poll officers allow that or not allow is another question
The person has to register his name
Everyone present in the room will know his vote
If he is not ready to fight with election officers, he may not be allowed to exercise that right
No secrecy is maintained
If someone wants, to exercise his/her rights under 49 O, everyone present at the polling station gets to know that he or she is exercising that right.
What is the need for NOTA option?
Before the introduction of EVMs, when voting was done through ballot papers, voters could put
In the ballot paper without marking against any candidate thereby rejecting all candidates. Such a
Vote was counted as a rejection. However, this rejection option is not available to voters on the
Q. What is rule 49-O?
According to Conduct of Elections Rules, 1961 rule 49-O says that “Elector deciding not to
If an elector, after his electoral roll number has been duly entered in the register of
Voters in Form-17A and has put his signature or thumb impression thereon as required under
Sub-rule (1) of rule 49L, decided not to record his vote, a remark to this effect shall be made
against the said entry in Form 17A by the presiding officer and the signature or thumb
Impression of the elector shall be obtained against such remark.
What is the need for rule 49-O?
The voter must be able to register a vote of disapproval/rejection if they are of the opinion that
None of the contesting candidates deserve to be voted for. Right to vote must also include the
Vote of disapproval/rejection.
What is the procedure to be followed for rule 49-O?
After the voter’s electoral number has been entered in the register and he has been identified, his signature/thumb impression is against his name in the voters list. The voter then approaches the presiding officer and informs him of his decision not to vote in favor of any of the candidates. The officer makes an entry namely “Refused to Vote” against the name of this voter in the list. Both the officer and the voter have to provide a signature/thumb impression against this entry.
What is the advantage of rule 49-O for the voter?
It provides an option to the voter to reject all candidates. It also helps to keep a check on bogus
Voting as someone else will not be able to impersonate and vote in place of him in favor of any
What is the disadvantage of rule 49-O for the elector?
Secrecy of the ballot is violated as the voter has to inform the presiding officer and an entry is
made against his name in the voters list. Such voters are in danger of being victimized by some
candidates or political parties.
What happens to entries made under rule 49-O?
The numbers of such entries have to be mandatorily recorded in Form 17-A. ECI has directed
that the entries should be compiled and recorded (Item 3, Part-I of Form 17C) constituency wise
and sent to the Commission. This information may also be obtained through RTI.
Is there any impact of rule 49-O on the election results?
Such voters are deemed to have abstained from casting their vote. They are not included in the
counting of votes and candidate securing the maximum number of votes in the constituency is
declared winner irrespective of the winning margin.
What is the position of the ECI on rule 49-O?
The ECI has repeatedly recommended to the government to bring about an amendment in law
(Rules 22 and 49B of the Conduct of Election Rules, 1961) and provide the option of “None of
the above” in the EVMs.
The recommendations are pending with the government and no action
has been taken so far but politicians never did their duty
Now Supreme Court of India finally made it compulsory
Supreme Court of India in a land mark judgment ordered Election Commission of India to have a "none of the above" button on electronic voting machines (EVMs) and ballot papers which can be used by the voters to reject all the candidates contesting elections in a constituency, the Supreme Court also said that secrecy of vote where "none of the above" is exercised should be maintained.
What is the need for NOTA on EVM?
If an Indian citizen fears or if he wants a privacy what he or she should do?
Indian citizens who are unhappy with political parties or who don’t wish to vote they will get a booster an encouragement to go and vote using option NOTA and declare he or she is unhappy with the political party and their candidates
When we get right to choose that time we get a right to say none of the above
Not allowing a person to cast a negative vote would defeat the very freedom of expression and the right to liberty
Because of NOTA option we may face or see the new problems where Indian law is silent
Suppose in Delhi Elections
NOTA Votes = 30%
Candidate A = 24%
Candidate B = 10%
Candidate C = 5%
In above case as per current law Candidate A will be declared as a winning candidate
NOTA will just send a message to political parties that they chose a wrong candidate for election
This will encourage political parties to give tickets to good candidates in next elections
NOTO button will start discussion among Indian citizens and result will be more amendments in voting system of India
When Anna Hazare fought for the Right to Information act, people said its waste of time no use
Today RTI has become a tool in hands of honest citizens to get information
Suggested Reading –
Vote for Party or a Good Candidate:
Reality views by sm –
Monday, October 07, 2013
Tags – NOTA Explained
NOTA is a much needed idea.
Anna Hazare has given many brilliant ideas like RTI. NOTA was also probably thought out by his team.
I will give my piece of logic here.
Why does a voter think of NOTA? Because of only two things. The first there is no suitable candidate (irrespective of party) in the opinion of the voter. The second there is no good leadership in any of the parties. These two are the only reasons (in the order I wrote) why a voter may choose NOTA.
Let me warn here that if any of the voter chooses NOTA for a reason other than above then he is suitable to be called a traitor of our country.
If someone chooses NOTA for corruption(which is there in most parties) or NOTA for lack of confidence in democracy; then it is better the person sits at home.
We need positive approach. Not negative.
Thanks for the info !
@Kirtivasan Ganesan
Tomorrow I will pole the vote for NOTA at The Nilgiris Lokshaba
@Ulttimate Sasi
@Ulttimate Sasiyes i too supported
If or not if the percentage no of nota as decided to be 50% of total vote then there should be re-election while election commission should issue an enquiry about the elected person and found guilty must be banned adding to this fresh list must be issued to public for re-election.
Election Commission must ban on speches cartoons in TV or any media.given against other party instead of what he does.
मै इससे सहमत हूं कि 50% नोटा वोट दबाए जाने पर फिर से चुनाव हो लेकिन उन उम्मीदवारों को पुनः चुनाव लड़ाने से वंचित रखा जाए जिन्होने पूर्व में चुनाव लड़ा था।