21 August 2013

How to file online RTI application to get information from Indian government departments

How to file online RTI application to get information from Indian government departments
File RTI applications online to get information from govt dept. How to File online RTI application

Now on Indian citizens will be able to file Right to Information (RTI) applications online to get information from all central government ministries and departments in the national capital.

An applicant who desires to obtain any information under the RTI Act 2005 can make a request
through  this  RTI  Online  Portal  to  only  the  Central  Public  Authorities  of  main
Ministries/Departments located at New Delhi initially.
In the first phase, this facility is available to Ministries/Departments/Apex Bodies only

The text of the application may be written in the prescribed column of the form. At present, the
text  of  the  application  is  confined  up  to  500  characters  only  in  the  prescribed  column  of  the form.
In  case, the  text of  an  application  contains more  than  500  characters,  it  can be uploaded  as  a PDF attachment in the “Supporting Document” column of the form

After filling the first page, a non-BPL applicant has to click on “Make Payment” button for
remittance of the prescribed RTI fee.

The  applicant  can  pay  the  prescribed  RTI  fee  through  the  following  modes:

(i). Internet banking through SBI and its associated banks

(ii). Using ATM-cum-Debit card of State Bank of India

(iii). Credit/Debit card. 
It may be noted that no RTI fee is required to be paid by any citizen who is below poverty line,
as per RTI Rules, 2012. However,  the  applicant must attach  a  copy  of  the  certificate  issued  by the appropriate government in this regard, along with the application.

On  submission  of  an  application,  a  unique  registration  number  will  be  issued,  which  may  be referred by the applicant for any future reference. 
application filed through this RTI Online Portal will reach electronically
to the “Nodal Officer” of the said Ministry/Department and “Not” to the CPIO of the concerned
Ministry/Department. The  Nodal  Officer  will  transmit  the  RTI  application,  either  electronically  or  physically  to  the concerned CPIO.

In case the RTI application is not meant for the Ministry /Department which has been selected
by  the  applicant,  the “Nodal  Officer”  of  the  said  Ministry/Department  will  transfer  the
application electronically to the “Nodal Officer” of the concerned main  Ministry/Department
located at New Delhi, under section 6(3) of the RTI Act.

In  case  additional  fee  representing  the  cost  is  required  for  providing  information,  the  Nodal Officer will intimate the same, which can be viewed by the applicant through ‘View Status’ option in the RTI Online Portal and an e-mail alert will be sent to the applicant for the same.

For submitting the additional fee online, the applicant needs to use the option ‘View Status’ in
the RTI Online Portal and on providing the registration number of the request option for ‘Make
Payment’ will provided.

For  making  an  appeal  to  the  first  Appellate  Authority,  the  applicant  has  to  select  the  option “Submit First Appeal” in the RTI Online Portal and fill up the form that will appear.
The registration number of original application may be used for the reference.
The  appeal  so  filed  through  this  RTI  Online  Portal  will  also  reach  electronically  to  the  Nodal
Officer of the concerned Ministry/Department and Not to the first Appellate Authority.
The Nodal Officer will transmit the first appeal to the concerned First Appellate Authority (FAA), either electronically or physically.

the  mobile  number  can  be  provided  by  the  applicant/  appellant  in  order  to
receive SMS alerts.

Most important –

Please do not file RTI applications through this portal for the public authorities under the state governments including government of NCT Delhi.
If filed, the application would be returned, without refund of amount


How to file online right to information application online?

Be ready to pay Rs. 10 via Internet banking through SBI and its associated banks using the website.

On clicking at "Submit Request", the applicant has to fill the required details on the page that will appear.

The fields marked * are mandatory while the others are optional.

The text of the application may be written at the prescribed column.

At present, the text of an application that can be uploaded at the prescribed column is confined to 3000 characters only.

In case an application contains more than 3000 characters, it can be uploaded as an attachment, by using column
"Supporting document".

After filling the first page, the applicant has to click on "Make Payment" to make payment of the prescribed fee.

The applicant can pay the prescribed fee through the following modes:

(a) Internet banking through SBI and its associated banks;

(b) Using credit/debit card of Master/Visa.

Fee for making an application is as prescribed in the RTI Rules, 2012.

After making payment, an application can be submitted.

No RTI fee is required to be paid by any citizen who is below poverty line as per RTI Rules, 2012. However, the applicant must attach a copy of the certificate issued by the appropriate government in this regard, along with the application.

On submission of an application, a unique registration number would be issued, which may be referred by the applicant for any references in future.

The application filed through this Web Portal would reach electronically to the "Nodal Officer" of concerned Ministry/Department, who would transmit the RTI application electronically to the concerned CPIO.

In case additional fee is required representing the cost for providing information, the CPIO would intimate the applicant through this portal. This intimation can be seen by the applicant through Status Report or through his/her e-mail alert.
For making an appeal to the first Appellate Authority, the applicant has to click at "Submit Appeal" and fill up the page that will appear.

The registration number of original application has to be used for reference.
As per RTI Act, no fee has to be paid for first appeal.

At present, an applicant/the appellant can see the following status:

(i) Application filed on

(ii) Additional fees, if required

(iii) Appeal filed on

(iv) Replied on

The applicant/the appellant should submit his/her mobile number to receive SMS alert.
All the requirements for filing an RTI application and first appeal as well as other provisions

regarding time limit, exemptions etc., as provided in the RTI Act, 2005 will continue to apply.

When you will fill the online RTI application  you will be required to give the following information.

Select Ministry/Department/Apexbody

Name, Gender, Address , Pincode, Country,State,

Status - Rural or Urban

4- Educational status - Literate or Illiterate

Phone number

Mobile Number - For receiving SMS alerts

Email id


Is the applicant below poverty line

Enter text for RTI request application upto 3000 characters,upload supporting document and enter security code

and submit and you are done

For any queries related to RTI online portal,
contact at 011-24622461, during normal office hours.

Below is the link to RTIonline Site


Below is the photo of RTI online application form

Reality views by sm –

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Tags – File RTI application online  


Sandhya August 21, 2013  

Very useful information, sm! Thank you!

Krishna/കൃഷ്ണ August 21, 2013  

Great post...

Informative and useful details...

thanks sm

ice pandora August 21, 2013  

This is very nice information!
Thanks! Xx

yogesh August 27, 2013  

Can We File RTI for Private Organisation or Pvt. Ltd Company?

Rajesh Patil August 03, 2015  

Dear sir,

nice information
