18 Indian athletes found overage disqualified in Asian Youth games
18 Indian athletes found overage disqualified in Asian Youth games
Indian athletes are participating in the event as "Independent Olympic Athletes" as the Indian Olympic Association (IOA) is under suspension.
18 young Indian athletes have been asked to return home early from the Nanjing Asian Youth Games as there found over age and disqualified
These athletes were required to be under the age of 16, but most of the athletes who were sent by the Athletics Federation of India (AFI) were above the age limit.
The athletes, part of the 27-member athletics squad, were already in the Chinese city
They were found overage and after that, they were told to fly back to India, as they cannot compete in their events.
Four Indian badminton players gone to Nanjing to find that they had not even been entered in their respective events.
They will also return to India without taking part in Games.
Everyone knows that Games are being held as per the International Olympic Committee ( IOC) rules
Why India sent the overage athletes?
Do you think they took the bribes?
Do you think they did not read the rulebooks?
Who is responsible for this shameful act?
Do you think anyone will be suspended or lose his job for doing this mistake?
Who will pay all the expenses of international travelling or spent on their training if they were given any?
Reality views by sm –
Monday, August 19, 2013
Tags – Asian Youth Games 18 India Disqualified
It's that must win at all costs mentality. The idea of keeping the youth competing against other youth of similar age seems irrelevant. Sad.
Hi:) dropping by you for visiting ny site.
Anyway, about disqualification of the Indian atletes ; sad to hear, but rules are there to obey.
@Donna K. Weaver
Too sad that 18 athletes were above 16 and still got selected, They must do thorough investigation and punish responsible staff. I am surprised how athletes kept quiet?