29 July 2013

Know 10 Facts Biography of IAS officer Durga Shakti Nagpal suspended for Honesty

Know 10 Facts Short Biography of IAS officer Durga Shakti Nagpal suspended for Honesty

Name - Durga Shakti Nagpal

Age – 28
Birth Date - 25 June 1985
Education - B.Tech. In Computer science
Alma mater -      Indira Gandhi Delhi Technological University for Women
Spouse - Abhishek Singh

Durga Shakti Nagpal belongs to Chattisgarh
She is an IAS officer of the 2010 batch from Uttar Pradesh cadre.
She secured an All India Rank (AIR) of 20 in the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) examinations in 2009.
She served for over two years in Punjab as an officer-under-training with the Mohali district administration.

The Punjab cadre IAS officer has been shifted to Uttar Pradesh after her marriage to Abhishek Singh
a UP cadre IAS officer of 2011 batch.

State – Uttar Pradesh
She took charge as sub-divisional magistrate (Sadar) in September 2012
the 2009-batch IAS officer posted as SDM (Sadar) of GB Nagar

She formed the Special flying squads to stop the raging menace along the Yamuna and Hindon rivers in western UP

She had led a crackdown on unauthorized mining in the district and got over two dozen FIRs registered against those involved in illegally removing sand.

She had ordered the arrest of 15 people and imposed a fine of Rs. 2 crore (US$338,000) on them. Under her, the administration confiscated 24 dumpers and 300 trolleys, which were engaged in the illegal operations.

Why UP government suspended the honest IAS officer Durga Shakti Nagpal?

Reason given by government –
Demolition of a wall at a disputed place of worship.
According to a PTI report, Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav tweeted,
"It is an administrative decision.
She had ordered demolition of the wall at a place of worship".
In a late night statement, the government said Nagpal's action "lacked foresight and disturbed communal harmony".

District Magistrate Ravi Kant told to media that Nagpal had visited a village in Rabupura area of Greater Noida on Saturday following information that a masjid was being constructed without permission.
"Though the masjid was built on private land, no clearance was taken.
The building was illegal.
While the villagers argued, they did not stand in the way when the structure was brought down

What is the real reason to suspend the IAS officer Durga Shakti Nagpal?

Reason for the suspension was Nagpal's strict action against the sand mafia, which had reportedly affected some senior politicians.
Some trucks that have been impounded have been traced to senior politicians or their friends.

As they started to suffer losses, they informed to top officials and top politicians after that she was suspended for petty reason.

If someone is building an illegal construction, what a government officer who got authority should do?

Stop the construction and demolish the construction


Government officer should note down the address and then sent them notice
Asking why no permission was taken?
Why it should not be demolished?

She often conducted raids late in the night despite receiving several threats

Why the action was taken against Honest IAS officer Durga Nagpal?

Later on government will cancel her suspension.

But what corrupt politicians and mafia wanted they got it.

This action of mafia and politicians successfully sent the message to young IAS officers that
This is India and here corruption is our religion so be corrupt like us
Or go away you are not required in India and Indian government jobs.

This sends a message that the state government will act against officers who work against the mafia. It shows the government works under the mafia's pressure and work as a team.

For mental harassment of IAS officer Durga now government should apologize   to her and should suspend all the officers who signed her suspension letter as well as Rs. 1 Crore should be given to Durga for causing her mental harassment.


Updated on August 2, 2013

A perfect movie style plan to suspend a honest officer Durga Nagpal

How Sand Mafia and Politicians trapped the Durga Nagpal so they can suspend her?

A month ago, Nagpal lodged a FIR against Omendra Khari in a sand mining case.
Omendra Khari is close aide of UP agro chairman and senior SP leader Narendra Bhati

After that, Bhati became upset.

After this, the plan was made and Nagpal was trapped so she can be suspended.

HT reported about the plan
HT reported that
Bhati distributed Rs. 51,000 among residents of Greater Noida’s Kadalpur village and told them there was no need to take permission to build a mosque if the whole village wanted one.

Once the villagers raised a wall, he got a verbal complaint registered with Nagpal that a religious building was coming up on government land and that it should be demolished as, it could disturb peace in the area.

Nagpal, after taking directions from the district magistrate and the police, reached the spot and asked the villagers to demolish the wall

HT also reported that locals themselves had brought down the wall and there was no mosque that had come up yet.

After this she was suspended, by  politicians.

Total cost of illegal Mining the looting of Indian Citizens

Most of the sand-mining activity in the NCR region, comprising Noida (Uttar Pradesh), Faridabad (Haryana) and Delhi, is illegal as no environment impact assessment (EIA) has been carried out; and it is estimated that about 250 to 350 truckloads of sand is illegally dredged every day.

The cost of this sand varies from Rs.100 crore (US$17 million) per month
Per Annum More than Rs.500 crore (US$85 million) per annum.

Do you think Sand Mafia paid bribe to politicians to suspend IAS officer Durga?
How much bribe Sand Mafia paid to politicians?

Rs. 100 Crore Bribe or 1000 Crore Bribe or No Bribe may be politicians or their friends are involved

What your heart says?

Reality views by sm –

Monday, July 29, 2013

Tags – Short Biography IAS Officer Durga Shakti Nagpal


Usha July 29, 2013  

Officer Durga Shakti Nagpal is very brave, law biding honest officer..no wonder politicians are afraid about of her next move and suspended her.

It is sad that even today politicians are not giving up their dictatorial traits.

Unknown July 29, 2013  

is bitiya Ko desh imaandar officer ke naam se pehchan gaya. hai. ghar walon Ko thodi pareshaaniyan uthani hogi. per durga aur shakti ka matlab to bata hi diya.

Unknown July 29, 2013  

Honest IAS officer Durga Shakti Nagpal ko Dil se Salam,

DWei July 29, 2013  

Oh no, where do we go from here?

Prashant Jasoria July 29, 2013  

Where are you hiding Mr. Katju?

MEcoy July 29, 2013  

she seems a noble woman

Anonymous,  July 29, 2013  

Whole of the country is with you... keep your good work going.

Anonymous,  July 29, 2013  

good job

vinay yadav July 29, 2013  

brave act..salute to durga shakti dil sae....rising INDIA is with you...good luck

Destination Infinity July 29, 2013  

What I don't understand is, if senior politicians are involved in a scam like this, why don't the people VOTE THEM OUT??? As long as people don't think while voting, honest people who discharge their duties will suffer. These things affect the public more than individuals. Not sure when public will realize this and send right people to administer the nation.

Destination Infinity

Anonymous,  July 29, 2013  

Political masters have perfected the art to punish honest officers & shunt them out with active connivance of those IAS officers who are dishonest & “manageable”. If the “manageable” officers are upright, then no honest officer would face the wrath of political masters. We must understand background of the acting Chief Secretary of UP, Alok Ranjan, IAS under whose guidance suspension of Durga Shakti Nagpal has taken place. Alok Ranjan is the same IAS officer under whose tenure as MD of NAFED, a scandal of more than Rs.2000 crores happened by diverting the money of poor farmers to private companies under tie-up arrangements. If past of acting Chief Secretary is tainted, then he is bound to take decisions which are palatable to his political masters.

Anonymous,  July 29, 2013  

There should be immediate cancellation of suspension order of ias officer durga nagpal , after this incident, everybody saw intention of akal less yadav sarkar towards corruption....akal less yadav, comman man will see u in next election.

Anonymous,  July 29, 2013  

My Indian Constitution says-"under article-317: The Chairman or any other member of a Public Service Commission shall only be removed from his office by order of THE PRESIDENT ON THE GROUND OF MISBEHAVIOUR after the Suprime Court, on reference being made to it by the President, has, on inquire held in accordance with the procedure prescribed in that behalf under Article-145, reported that the Chairman or such other member, as the case may be, ought on any such ground to be removed."
So why up government suspend the honest ias officer DURGA SAKTI NAGPAL? Pls give me answer. Bcoz its my rights

Anonymous,  July 29, 2013  

God bless india

sakam suneel July 29, 2013  

If the sand mafia continues like this ...
If sincere officers get punished ....
End of the day we will see another Uttarakhand like disaster in UP ....
But who will be the sufferers ....
Not politicians ... Not Bureaucrats .... People ...
yes .... those people who are silent now ... will suffer tomorrow !!!

Anonymous,  July 30, 2013  

Durga shakti mam dont think that you are alone in this fight against this corrupt system atleast one person will follow your foot step very soon ,I m an IAS aspirant this year and waiting for prelims result .In year or two I will Be an IAS officer hopefully,then I will do exactly what you did no matter if I also got same treatment .Its my promise to you. please dont change your attitude .I will surely reveal my identity on this blog the day I got selected as IAS.Mam you are my inspiration.

Anonymous,  July 30, 2013  

Every INDIAN with you,what you do is legal,nobody dirty and corrupt so call politicians can't do anything with ...Now I proud to be Indian because I have daughter like DURGA SAKTI

Anonymous,  July 30, 2013  

Salute to a young , Brave and honesh IAS officer . Don't get disappointed and things will come back to you shortly .

And we hope , you will Further do better than now with more strength and courage .
This is just a start , miles to GO !!!.

Best OF LUCK !!

Izzy July 30, 2013  

It's high time for AAP guys... Jaago desh jaago...

Anonymous,  July 30, 2013  

vote for AAP pls

Anonymous,  July 30, 2013  

Durga your shakti showed the mafia-politics relationship in this large practice democracy.

महेश कुमार दीक्षित,  July 30, 2013  

मुख्यमंत्री अखिलेश यादव का यह तर्क की IAS दुर्गा शक्ति नागपाल ने रमज़ान के महीने मे मुसलमानों को सरकारी ज़मीन पर मस्जिद बनाने से रोका जिसके कारण सांप्रदायिक हिंसा भड़क सकती थी इसलिए उनका निलंबन किया गया । ऐसे तर्क गैरजिम्मेदारना है।
अगर यही तर्क देकर धैर्यवान हिन्दू कार्यकर्ता अयोध्या मे सावन के पवित्र महीने मे राम मंदिर बनवाएँ तब क्या मुख्यमंत्री हिन्दू कार्य कर्ताओं को ऐसा करने देंगे ?
उत्तरप्रदेश के उन voters को शर्म आनी चाहिए जो ऐसे सांप्रदायिक नेताओं को चुन कर पूर्ण बहुमत मे भेजती है जो एक विशेष धर्म के प्रति झुकने के लिए किसी भी हद तक जा सकते है ।

Anonymous,  August 07, 2013  

It seems that constitutional provisions & laid down Govt.guidelines & procedures have been ignored in this case to suspend an IAS officer with out even investigating the facts / merits of the case. The facts in media/press reveal that This IAS officer acted only after observing due procedure through her controlling officer i.e. DM of the district and DM has already confirmed the same. It clearly indicates that suspension of IAS officer is on arbitray grounds as it might have exposed the nexus between the sand mafia & thier political masters / manageable administrators in the state.In any case,this IAS officer has merit in her actions & there could be procedural delays but she would come out clean winner for being honest & forthright in her approach. We can only pray for her & wait to see that justice prevails in case of this budding IAS officer who has a long carrier to deliver lot of good for the country & set an example for juniors in her cadre in all time to come. May God bless her.

Unknown August 20, 2013  

Govt.should also protect such brave officer from attack by Mafia as earlier several honest officer were killed by Mafia. Supreme Court also punish officer and politician and Mafia involved in her illegal suspension. SP openly disobeying Supreme court and other laws. Rules should be amended so that honest officer should not punished by frequent transfer and suspension on films ground.

WS September 02, 2013  

Great Info! Here's more :)

Best Approaches to stopping Honest Bureaucrats: A definitive guide from Uttar Pradesh


Inder Jit Gupta September 05, 2013  

Influence is stronger than law. Even to follow law or to get the law implemented, one needs the influence, be it a renowned counsel, administrator, politician or so. In day to day life, we hear saga that one has lost court case for engaging weaker counsel against stronger or this and that work could not done without resourceful persons.
These are well known facts in our lives. Straight forward and upright persons will have to suffer as is the live example of Smt.Durga Shakti. Pray for welfare of such persons.

Anonymous,  June 25, 2014  

someone has created durga shakti nagpal's fake id, and spread wrong info. on facebook, do something, here is the link -->>
