04 June 2013

CIC Rules Political Parties come under Right to Information RTI Act

CIC Rules Political Parties come under Right to Information RTI Act

All political parties receive indirectly many benefits from Government of India.

Politicians are our servants not our masters.

the central information commission (CIC) has ruled that Political Parties  are public authorities who now need to respond to RTI queries within six weeks.

CIC has directed the political parties to designate central public information officers in six weeks’ time and has asked the presidents and general secretaries of the parties to comply with the provisions under the Act and make voluntary disclosures in subjects pertaining in it.

Political Parties receive funds in millions and billions but they were not ready to share the donors name with the Indian Citizens the sleeping and afraid master of Indian Politicians who fears his servants.

CIC bench comprising Chief Information Commissioner Satyanand Mishra and Information Commissioners Annapurna Dixit and M L Sharma, said that
In view of the nature of public functions performed by political parties...we conclude that political parties in question are public authorities under section 2(h) of the RTI Act

The commission held political parties have the character as public authorities and "we hold INC, BJP, CPIM, CPI, NCP and BSP have been substantially financed by the central government under section 2(h)(ii) of the RTI Act".

ADR's Anil Bairwal and Agrawal had sought information on the top 10 donors of political parties, their manifestos and payments to the party funds.

But Political parties did not give any information after that they filed application in the CIC regarding this.

Then after hearing, the Indian citizen’s side and Political parties side the order came that
Political Parties come under Right to Information Act.

Except AAP, no political party wanted to share any information easily with the Citizens of India

CIC found that Political parties enjoy tax exemptions also

during last three years political parties enjoyed tax exemptions in Crores of Rupees.

1)    BJP got Rs 141.25 crore

2)Congress (Rs 300.92 crore)

3)BSP (Rs 39.84 crore)

4)CPM (Rs 18.13 crore)

5)CPI (Rs 24 lakh)

6)NCP (Rs 9.64 crore)

as tax relief

Because of this order, now we Indian citizens can legally ask the Political parties and it will be compulsory for the political parties to provide following information

1)source of funding

2)Top Donors to political parties

3)how they spend money   

4)choice of candidates for elections

Now We Indian citizens have to see which Political party challenges this order of CIC.

Always remember any one who is not ready to share  information to Indian citizens is a thief and is not good political party.

Corruption only needs secrecy not honesty.

Only black deeds need the secrecy not the Honesty.

All the parties can file a writ petition either in a high court or in the Supreme Court to challenge CIC’s decision and get a stay on the order.

I think political parties will try to find a technical loophole in the CIC order and they will challenge it and try to get the stay order on the CIC order and they will fool the Indian citizens that they are ready to provide information but it is technical not legal order.

Let us hope political parties do not find any technical loophole in this order.

Reality views by sm –

Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Tags – CIC Political Parties RTI


रविकर June 04, 2013  

यह हुई ना बात-
सही है-

Unknown June 04, 2013  

It's a good thing. Let the parties now start thinking about making their donor list public. It will help them also, as their donors will not be able to twisting the arm of political parties into enacting the laws they need. There should be transparency in this crucial issue.

Destination Infinity

MEcoy June 04, 2013  

another great post sm