14 June 2013

AXIS Bank Accounts Hacked money withdrawn Check your Balance Change your Passwords

AXIS Bank Accounts Hacked money withdrawn Check your Balance Change your Passwords 13 lakh withdrawn

TOI and Hindu reported that A total of 29 Axis Bank accounts, including 12 operated by Mumbai policemen, have been hacked in the last two months and Rs. 13 lakh withdrawn through ATMs in Greece, police said in Mumbai on Friday

A total of Rs. 13 lakh, in Euros, were withdrawn through ATMs in Greece

Mumbai police told to media that some of the police officers in the city had received SMS messages that cash has been withdrawn from their Axis bank accounts in euro currency

After this, Policemen went to ATM to check their balance and found that indeed cash had been withdrawn from their accounts.

The accounts were hacked April and May.
The debit cards have been cloned and the withdrawal done in Greece

I will suggest you if you are Axis Bank customer just check your balance and change all your passwords for protection.

Reality views by sm –

Friday, June 14, 2013

Tags – Axis Bank Accounts Hacked


MEcoy June 15, 2013  

another great post sm