13 April 2013

Watch NASA Released Animation of Asteroid Capture Mission Video

Watch NASA Released Animation of Asteroid Capture Mission Video

The Obama administration recently announced plans to budget $100 million for the Asteroid Capture Mission

The mission would bag a 500 ton, 7-to-10 meter wide asteroid and bring it closer to the Earth so astronauts could study it and return samples to the Earth.

President Obama's FY2014 budget request for NASA enables the agency to leverage capabilities in the Human Exploration and Operations, Science and Space Technology Mission Directorates to make significant yet affordable advances in our nation's capabilities and achieve the space goals set by the Administration.

NASA will improve detection and characterization of asteroids, pursue solar electric propulsion demonstration, develop a mechanism to capture an asteroid and redirect it to a stable orbit in the Earth-moon system, and begin designing a mission to send humans to it using the Space Launch System rocket and Orion spacecraft.

In Fiscal Year 2014, NASA will begin developing and testing prototype capture mechanisms and concepts for crew interactions with the asteroid."

Watch the Video Asteroid Identification, Capture, and Sampling Initiative by NASA

Reality views by sm –

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Tags – NASA Asteroid Identification, Capture, and Sampling Initiative


MEcoy April 13, 2013  

thats freaking cool