Sonia May become the first women to be hanged in Independent India
Sonia May become the first women to be hanged in Independent India
Sonia and his husband Sanjeev had brutally murdered eight persons including his MLA father Relu Ram Punia at Prabhuvala village in Hisar on August 23, 2001
Those killed included her
mother Krishna,
sister Priyanka,
stepbrother Sunil, his wife Shakuntala and their three children - Lokesh, 4, Shivani, 2, and 45-day-old Preeti.
Sessions Judge had awarded death penalty to the couple on May 31, 2004.
on April 2, 2005, High Court commuted the death penalty to life imprisonment.
On February 15, 2007, the SC upheld the Sessions Judge’s verdict of death sentence to Sonia and Sanjeev in the case
on August 23, 2007 Supreme Court of India rejected the review petition clearing the way for hanging of Sonia and Sanjeev
Presently Sonia and her husband both are lodged in Ambala Jail
Before this death punishment, other females were also given death punishment by courts but there is no instance of any woman being hanged in the history of independent India.
After 5 years of delay On April 3, 2013, President Pranab Mukherjee rejected mercy petition of Sonia.
Suggested Reading –
Sonia a first woman to be hanged
Reality views by sm –
Tuesday, April 09, 2013
Tags – Sonia First Women Death Punishment
she killed 8 persons? wow how evil
Interesting, catchy title!
A woman so brutal? What an era now ?
the title caught me completely .. i thought sonia gandhi .. and i was so happy :P
@Rahul Aggarwal
Shocking incident. Why did they kill so many people? I think she and her husband deserve this punishment.
Destination Infinity
@Destination Infinity