20 April 2013

Ladakh China's People's Liberation Army (PLA) comes 10 km inside the Indian Territory Tense Situation

Ladakh China's People's Liberation Army (PLA) comes 10 km inside the Indian Territory Tense Situation

PTI reported that China's People's Liberation Army (PLA) came 10 km inside the Indian territory in Burthe in DBO sector, which is at an altitude of about 17,000 feet, on the night of April 15 and established a tented post there

Chinese Army Platoon usually consists of around 50 men.

HT reported that Troops from Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) have also established a camp approximately 300 metres opposite the location

The Ladakh Scouts, an Infantry regiment of the Indian Army and specializing in mountain warfare, has also moved towards the area where the situation was described as tense.

DBO, located in northernmost Ladakh, is an historic camp site and located on an ancient trade route connecting Ladakh to Yarkand in Xinjiang, China.

It lies at the easternmost point of the Karakoram Range in a cold desert region in the far north of India, just 8 km south of the Chinese border and 9 km northwest of the Aksai Chin LAC between China and India

But nothing is going to happen, as India will not take action or not it will become an International issue

I think PLA must be checking how alert and prepared Indian Army is in that region

Do you ever think our Indian Army can do same?

Indians are busy discussing fake comments of politicians. We need to discuss about changes required in our Indian laws which give protection to Politicians?

We need to discuss Police Reforms

Reality views by sm –

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Tags – Chian India Border Cross 


MEcoy April 20, 2013  

another great post sm

Destination Infinity April 20, 2013  

It could have been a mistake, but anyway, it's too minor a situation to get tensed. If both the armies are in talking terms (which they are, I guess), it would have already been sorted out.

Destination Infinity