22 January 2013

Don Bosco Vice Principal Father Iju Francis Falkau Arrested for allegedly molesting a student

Don Bosco Vice Principal Father Iju Francis Falkau Arrested for allegedly molesting a student


The Vice Principal of Don Bosco school in Pune has been arrested
on Tuesday after four girls filed a complaint on Monday with the Yerwada police against him.

He has been remanded to police custody till January 25

The girls alleged that the Vice Principal would call them inside his room and misbehave with

A 14-year-old student of the Don Bosco convent in Yerwada had complained that the teacher, who is 54, molested her.

As per media reports incident happened on January 2,2013.
Vice Principal of the school called the girl to his cabin and molested her.

Supported of the vice principal told to media that the girl who has accused him of molesting her was upset because he reprimanded her for using her cellphone in school.

Around the Web

Vice-principal of Pune school arrested for allegedly molesting girl

Pune: Don Bosco Vice Principal arrested for misbehaving with girl students

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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Tags – Pune Molestation Case Don Bosco School


MEcoy January 22, 2013  

another great post sm