21 November 2012

Terrorist Ajmal Kasab hanged buried at Pune Yerwada Jail

Terrorist Ajmal Kasab hanged buried at Pune Yerwada Jail

Mohammed Ajmal Amir Kasab, 25, the only terrorist caught alive during the 26/11 attacks on Mumbai, was hanged at Pune's Yerwada Jail at 7:30 this morning, in a swift and secret execution.

Kasab was buried inside the premises of Pune's Yerwada Central Jail shortly after he was hanged

Two days ago, Kasab was moved from Mumbai to Pune.
Kasab was informed of his death on November 12

It was the first time a capital sentence had been carried out in India since 2004.
After 4 years, Kasab was hanged to death.

Kasab had been sentenced to death in May 2010
On August 29 this year, the Supreme Court had confirmed the death penalty awarded to Kasab by the trial court and later upheld by the Bombay High Court.

President Pranab Mukherjee had rejected his mercy plea on November 5, and Home Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde signed it on November 7.

 The order was then signed by the Maharashtra government on November 8, said the Home Minister.

According to the Home ministry's fact-sheet on people on death row, 29 mercy petitions involving 52 condemned prisoners, seeking pardon, under Article 72 of the constitution are still pending with the Central Government.

Seven prisoners have been able to survive for over 12 years, as their mercy pleas have remained pending with Rashtrapati Bhawan since 1998.

Seven Prisoners filed mercy petition in year 1999, they are still waiting
11 years waiting

Five Prisoners filed mercy petition in year 2000 still waiting

25 prisoners who filed their mercy petitions between 2001-06 are also awaiting a decision from the president.

Suggested Reading –

Timeline Mumbai 26/11 Full account of terror attack

Reality views by sm –

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Tags – Kasab Hanged Buried Yerwada Jail


Rama Ananth November 21, 2012  

At last, India had the guts to do justice, which had been long in waiting.

Kirtivasan Ganesan November 21, 2012  

Long awaited justice. At last.

MEcoy November 21, 2012  

justice sometimes brutal but yet i guess for some people thats the best way to implement it

Bikram November 21, 2012  


may he rot in hell toooooooooo...

killing innocent people can never be justified no matter what the reasons..


virendra sharma November 21, 2012  

kasab brought to justice .His genes should have been preserved for study.Thanks SM ,I did not know of it .

virendra sharma November 21, 2012  

डरे हुए क़ानून की फांसी

मर्सी पिटीशन किसके लिए होता है ?

यह प्रावधान सिर्फ उसके लिए रखा गया था जो आवेश में आके कोई गुनाह ज़रूर कर गया लेकिन अपराधी मनोवृत्ति का व्यक्ति नहीं है और अब पछता रहा है अन्दर से .

यह प्रावधान केवल और केवल देश के नागरिकों के लिए हैं राष्ट्रपति देश के नागरिकों का होता है विदेशी आतंकियों ,षड्यंत्र कारियों का नहीं .षडयंत्र कारियों का नहीं .

अफज़ल गुरु एक नियोजित षड्यंत्रकारी रहा है जिसने संसद पर हमला करने का नियोजित जाल बिछाया था .उसके लिए राष्ट्र पति की दया याचिया क्यों ?

जिस देश में क़ानून वोट बैंक देख के बनाया जाता है ,शाहबानों का हक़ इसीलिए छीना जाता है उसकी सरकार की भी कोई इज्ज़त नहीं करता .आज लशकरे तैयबा के आदम खोर इसी लिए इस सरकार को कसाब की फांसी पर धमका रहें हैं .

पूछा जा सकता है :डर डर के छिप छिपके फांसी क्यों दी गई ?

क़ानून का पालन करना धर्म निष्ठ होता है जो सरकार इसका पालन भी वोट देख के करती है उसकी कोई नागरिक इज्ज़त नहीं करता .आज केंद्र में ऐसी ही सरकार है जिसकी कोई इज्ज़त नहीं है .

manashree November 22, 2012  

Sigh of relief

Arti November 22, 2012  

Finally it happened! But it all happened suddenly, no one had a clue it would happy.

Arti November 22, 2012  

Finally it happened! But it all happened suddenly, no one had a clue it would happy.