Qatar Muhammad Ajami Wrote Poem and got Life Imprisonment Punishment
Qatar Muhammad Ajami Wrote Poem and got Life Imprisonment Punishment
Qatar's penal code provides sentences of five years in prison for criticizing the country's ruler.
Indirectly IT act in India provides 3 years imprisonment.
Muhammad Ibn al-Dheeb al-Ajami wrote the poems praising the Arab Spring revolts that have toppled dictators in four Arab countries since early last year and criticized Qatari Emir Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani.
Lawyer Nagib al-Naimi lawyer of Muhammad Ibn al-Dheeb al-Ajami told to media that his client has been jailed in solitary confinement for almost a year.
He has not seen his family.
Now court in Qatar gave him life imprisonment for incitement to overthrow the government and criticizing the ruling emir
Qatar has no organized political opposition.
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Thursday, November 29, 2012
Tags - Qatar Imprisonment
what life imprisonment just for writing a poem i think they took it way too personal