20 October 2012

Not Under RTI All Political Parties Get Funds and Land from Government

Not Under RTI All Political Parties Get Funds and Land from Government

What is Government?

Government and Prime Minister of India and his Council of Ministers is nothing but the Servants appointed by citizens of India which includes beggars , so they are servants of Indian Beggars also.

Political Parties get billions of dollars in donations from unknown people every year.

Who gives them Donations even God does not know?

European Countries, Central American Countries, Scandinavian countries in those nations’ political parties come under Public Domain.They are answerable their in their countries to right to information applications or say freedom of Information.

India needs to learn lot from European Countries and America regarding  democracy and working of political parties , human rights, and freedom of speech .

As per section, 13A of the Income Tax Act large amount of money is exempted under tax exemption on the income of political parties.

State funding on free supply of Electoral rolls to recognized state and national political parties

State funding for free broadcast on AIR for political parties during Assembly Elections

State funding on facilities for accommodation provided to political parties’ office bearers at a very nominal rate of   352 –    508 (per month).

State funding on facilities for offices and accommodation provided to political parties in other states/cities, other than Delhi,

State funding on the maintenance, renovation, up gradation, modernization, and construction of the properties allotted to various political parties according to CPWD.

Besides these funds, All political parties get the funds from the Government , that is from taxes collected by the Government and then these political parties enjoy those funds but still they are not ready to answer and come under Right to Information Act

Except  the Communist Party of India (CPI),  All Political Parties told to ADR an organization that they were not “public authority” and thereby did not come under the purview of the RTI Act.

Here they mean Political Parties.

ADR send a letter to political parties to know the sources and amount of funds but Political Parties said  No we are not Public Authority
We do not come under Right to Information Act.

CPI provided the information about their largest donors, their addresses, the mode of payment of these donations etc.

In a letter sent to the ADR,  signed by their then general secretary AB Bardhan, CPI said that it is a 'Public Authority' as the organization is substantially financed directly or indirectly by government funds. It also said that they have an internal appellate authority in case we were not satisfied by the information received.

Congress returned the RTI letter along with the postal order. In the letter signed by Motilal Vohra, it said that party is returning the letter and postal order because it does not come under the RTI.

The Bhartiya Janta Party (BJP) and the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) did not respond to the application.

the Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) replied but said that it did not have enough manpower to provide the information.

The Communist Party of India Marxist (CPIM) also returned the RTI application along with the postal order. Through a letter signed by Hari Singh Kang, member of the central secretariat of the party said that CPI(M) is not a public authority as per the provisions of RTI Act and hence under no obligation to provide the information.

Using the tax payers money in 2009 elections seven national parties were sponsored airtime on the official media — Doordarshan and All India Radio — to the tune of Rs. 11 crore for their election campaign.

The Congress and the Bharatiya Janata Party, the ruling party and the main Opposition, accounted for the lion’s share of the expenditure at 50 per cent.

The Directorate of Estates of the Union Ministry of Urban Development allots land to national parties for official use, for which they are charged a token amount. In all, the Indian National Congress, the BJP, the CPI, the Communist Party of India (Marxist), the Nationalist Congress Party and the Bahujan Samaj Party have been allotted lands at prime locations in Delhi which, even if valued by the circle rate of category “B”, are estimated to be worth Rs.508.37 crore.

The BJP and the Congress share of these land allocations stands at 18,737.42 square metre and 10,410.8 square metre respectively, which are valued at Rs.254.81 crore and Rs. 241.59 crore respectively.

Still Political Parties are not ready to answer Right to information Act applications.

So Support New Political Parties and forget Old Political Parties.

If you are not under Right to Information Act, we will not give you our Vote.

Not Under Right to Information act means Political Party head or Political Party someone is thief and robber who is looting India

Reality views by sm –

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Tags -  Right to Information Act Political Parties


Janie October 22, 2012  

It's interesting to see that India is also having problems with funding for political parties. Too much funding from undisclosed sources leads to political corruption, in my opinion. we are definitely seeing issues with this in U.S. politics.