09 October 2012

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Arvind Kejriwal Expose 21 Facts Nexus Corruption DLF Vadra and Haryana Government

Arvind Kejriwal Expose  21 Facts  Nexus Corruption DLF Vadra and Haryana Government

In series of expose, Arvind Kejriwal continued his attack on dishonesty and corruption.

While addressing the nation Arvind Kejriwal gave the proofs regarding nexus between DLF, Vadra, and Haryana Government.

Following are the facts, which Arvind Kejriwal gave to media and Indian citizens.

Mango people" of this country sent us evidence and we are presenting that today.

Haryana government is ruled by Congress.

Arvind Kejriwal demanded that Haryana government should issue a white paper regarding land given to DLF Company.

There is a nexus between the Haryana Government and DLF.

Punjab and Haryana High Court said that there is malafide nexus.

March 9 2007 Haryana government allowed DLF to build a SEZ on 350 Acres of Hospital Land. People, whose land was acquired, went to court, and it cancelled the SEZ. In its judgment court said that Power of acquisition has been used for colorable purpose" - High Court

In another case, once again court said land had been wrongly given by the state (Haryana) to DLF.

Offices are tilted in favor of showering favors on DLF" - the court verdict had said.

350 acres of Gurgaon land - worth Rs. 1700 crore - was given to DLF. Farmers were paid 20 lakhs per acre- and DLF got it for Rs. 5 crore.

Why Farmers were not given Rs.5 Crore

Robert Vadra bought 25,000 shares - and sold them back to DLF in one year. In this one year what benefits DLF  got from congress governemnt

Haryana govt says there was an international bid. But while opening the technical bid - new conditions were imposed and bids from Unitech and Country Heights were not opened.But we have come to know they were much higher than DLF.

Of 350 acres, 75 acres belonged to HUDA - which was acquired from farmers for making roads between sectors 42-54 and 43-53...and all that land was given to DLF.

Possession was given without getting permissions from forest dept. etc.

Haryana govt made a 2031 plan - where in DLF phase 5-population density was increased from 250 to 615 - for benefit DLF in terms.  No other company was given such increase

Haryana Government gave the notice of land acquisition to farmers so because of fear farmers sold their land to proxy companies of DLF and once everything was over the Haryana govt cancelled land acquisition after all the distress selling. Now the farmers have filed a case and the High Court has put a stay.

Kejriwal said that first time we said there were 65 crore of unsecured loans that was given to Vadra by DLF. We dug further and found loans worth 85 crore.

The Aralia balance sheet says 89 lakhs but the DLF response say it is 11 crore - see there are signatures of Robert Vadra. In Magnolia, they have filed 7 flats at 5 crores - so either the balance sheet is wrong or what DLF claims is wrong.

Arvind Kejriwal said he was the Income tax officer he knows and this case is fit for raid, but no one will dare to raid or touch the file when Finance Minister says an inquiry will not be done. I want to ask is Mr. Chidambaram Mr. Vadra's taxman?

Law Minister Salman Khurshid says he is ready to die for Sonia Gandhi. When we voted for him, we thought he is ready to die for the country.

They got all the investigative agencies under them and they say us that  we should investigate and give proofs

If a private person benefits another private person with the intent of deriving benefit from a govt - that is a crime under section 9 of the Prevention of Corruption Act.

If someone gives many crores to a person who is influential, who is the son-in-law of the UPA chairperson, it is common sense that they want political benefits. Under the evidence Act, courts can assume this fact under sec 114.

Arvind Kejriwal  next expose will come on the 16th of this month now.

Reality views by sm –

Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Tags – Arvind Kejriwal Expose


Anonymous,  October 09, 2012  

we Indians do know of wadhera family from Sialkot, and what their culture and trade was .
Robert is a wannabe gora sahib. Lekin pickle ka bhaans hamesha aayega Wadhera bhia!
This weird looking , akkal ka dushman, with a funny hairdo got himself a style icon trophy for 2011.
Suggest you run away from India before 2014 elections.
There WILL be a proper investigation into your ill gotten millions.
NDTV and CNN IBN cant save you.
Poor priyanka, bad choice!
What a disgrace—our nation’s law minister tell on national TV that he will give up his life for the WTE ( waitress turned empress ) –hey , how about your motherland ?
Punch into google search --
Capt ajit vadakayil

MEcoy October 10, 2012  

another nice post sm