13 September 2012

LPG Diesel Prices Hiked All Subsidy for Rich No Subsidy for Poor

LPG Diesel Prices Hiked All Subsidy for Rich No Subsidy for Poor

Government on Thursday evening raised the diesel price by  Rs 5 per litre
And capped the number of subsidized cooking gas cylinder to six per household a year.

For the remaining part of the current financial year, the number of subsidized LPG cylinder to a consumer will be three cylinders.

Any number of LPG cylinders will be available at the market rate over the capped number of six.

The revised retail-selling price of diesel in Delhi will be Rs. 47 a litre, while branded diesel will be sold at the market rate.

Diesel Prices –
New Delhi
Old Price – Rs. 41.32
New Price – Rs. 46.32

Old Price – Rs. 46.25
New Price –Rs.51.25

Old Price – Rs.44.76
New Price – Rs.49.76

Chennai –
Old Price – Rs.43.91
New Price – Rs.48.91

From 2G spectrum to Black diamond coalmines, our politicians give them to rich people and their friends free of cost by giving false reasons.

If anyone says, what Assem said in his cartoons he is immediately arrested on the sedation charges thus no one will dare to show the mirror to politicians.

Congress and parties who support congress are all same they will criticize the government but they will not resign from their honey giving post and chair.

Thus, one should ignore such statements that we do not support the hike,
If you do not support it then resign from your post and tell government we do not support you, prove your majority in lower house.

If any family uses more than six cylinders then for the seventh family will have to pay commercial rate, charge.

Government says we do not have money they why do you give
Cheaply or say freely 2G spectrum, why do you give coal mines free of cost, why don’t you stop corruption, why don’t you punish corrupt people, why do you use air condition offices , why do you travel outside India and have fun on the name of study tour.

Now what will happen,  opposition parties will protest , congress-supporting parties will protest and then government will say we reduce the price of diesel by Rs. 1 and LPC cylinder cap will be increased from six to eight.

Suggested Reading -

Know How many LPG Gas Cylinders MPs Politicians use yearly

Reality views by sm –

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Tags -  Petrol Diesel LPG price  


MEcoy September 14, 2012  

lpg prize is getting high on cost lately

Destination Infinity September 14, 2012  

Both the announcements are going to prove extremely unpopular for the ruling Govt. But, I hope people will start looking at renewable energy technologies sooner.

Destination Infinity