14 September 2012

Government allows 51% FDI in multi-brand retail why permission granted

Government allows 51% FDI in multi-brand retail why permission granted

On Friday, congress party UPA II took a decision to allow up to 51 per cent foreign direct investment in multi-brand retail.

As per new policy, each state government has the right to decide whether to implement the policy or not.

After this decision, now big retail shop owners will come to India and do business.

Foreign super-chains like Wal-Mart can now sell directly to Indian customers.

Government allows foreign airlines to buy into Indian carriers - Foreigners can own up to 49% of the airline.

The FDI in carriers is a good decision by Indian Government.

Government increased the FDI cap on various streams of broadcast services by up to 74 per cent.

The government also approved sale of its minority stakes in four public sector firms — Hindustan Copper, Oil India, MMTC and Nalco — to raise up to Rs15,000 crore.

Why Government is taking such decision quickly?

Today everyone in India is criticizing government and now International media is also criticizing Indian government.

Poor people are not happy because of corruption and price hike.

Rich people are not happy because they are ready to pay bribes to get favorable contracts but because of media pressure, it is difficult now to fool Indian citizens and sign contracts, which favor rich people.

Today it is happening but the speed is very low, the speed of finalizing contracts, awarding contracts and clearing funds etc.

In recent months we have seen that  Indian citizens tried to get pass a Lokpal bill and bring black money, but on both the fronts Indian citizens got failure, this clearly shows that  very few people are interested in development of India , majority are interested in self-progress.

Me , my  family, my money  nothing matters let the money come from illegal way as there is no speedy punishment, final punishment fails to deter criminals.

With all these reforms  it seems that government has decided to make part happy that is Indian rich people and International rich people and companies.

Now rich business companies will enter into India, they will establish themselves in the few states, and after few years by hook or crook or by good or bad method, they will get permission from all the Indian states.

Suggested Reading –

Detailed Analysis FDI Good or Bad for India Who will benefit in India if FDI is allowed in Multi Brand this is Kirana Business

FDI in Multi Brand Good or Bad for India Answers to Doubts regarding FDI in Kirana Business Part 2

Reality views by sm –

Friday, September 14, 2012

Tags – FDI


Anonymous,  September 15, 2012  

UPA was determined to have the FDI in multibrand retail, before they get kicked out in 2014 .
“lobbying money” ( bribes ) have been paid by walmart and other conglomerates long back.
India will soon be a banana republic, where our PM will be chosen by conglomerates.
Punch into google search –
Our organic food will be a thing of the past, we will now eat genetically modified food.
Kaliyug has finally arrived! Desh drohis will now be in control !!
And in 2014, when Congress is kicked out, BAN walmart—like how JP banned Coke in 1977.
Capt ajit vadakayil

MEcoy September 15, 2012  

that doesnt sound good

Kirtivasan Ganesan September 15, 2012  

"From a famine of policy action, we've moved to a feast . . . . ." Anand Mahindra said.
Why hit below the belt when your opponent(read opposition) is down? Pathetic.

दिगम्बर नासवा September 16, 2012  

no harm in bringing multinational companies but I do not think proper explanations/thoughts have gone in by Indian Government.