18 September 2012

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Exclusive – 13 Effects of FDI in Retail in India

Exclusive – 13 Effects of FDI in Retail in India

What will happen in India when FDI starts to come in India

Another road will open for rich people to convert their black money into white

Small Farmers will not become rich, but  rich farmers will become more rich

Small farmers will become poorer.

We know that today there are middlemen in a retail business but it will take the shape of consultancy , organized corporate middlemen who will be called as executive and government will say look now there are no middlemen.

Initially Prices will come down and once people get used to malls Indian citizens will never know when prices started to increase

India and Indian citizens may or may not benefit but 100% Indian political parties and their friends will benefit.

Political party funds will get increased

Foreign Media will start to praise Indian Politicians

Indian rich class will get facilities of UK, USA, and Europe in India.

Poor Middle class Indian citizens will visit Mall to enjoy the air conditioner.

Poor Middle class Indians will visit the mall just like zoo or garden to enjoy the big mall , it will be a family trip.

Share Market will rise and Rich people will make more money

FDI will give more opportunity to pass new laws and make money .

FDI is good for India but our politicians are not good making policies and laws
Our politicians make the policies and laws which  benefit them and not to Indian citizens.

Therefore,  it is good if you oppose the FDI.

Suggested Reading –

Detailed Analysis FDI Good or Bad for India if allowed in Multi Brand this is Kirana Business

Reality views by sm –

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Tags -  FDI Effects


Bart September 18, 2012  

tbh this sounds and usually is the same everywhere you go

Renu September 18, 2012  

FDI is not bad, if govt makes some rules and implement them, but in India that is rarely done.

Alex September 18, 2012  

Well the thing is.. You really see this around the world. In India they just do it without shame :D

indianist September 18, 2012  

what are the problem would face after allowing FDI in Inda?

BK Chowla, September 18, 2012  

Cities will benefit.Fsrmers and small towns will suffer

SM September 18, 2012  


Please read all the articles under label FDI.

रविकर September 19, 2012  

उत्कृष्ट प्रस्तुति आज बुधवार के चर्चा मंच पर ।।

Manu May 16, 2013  

Very nice information. I am happy to find this informative blog here.

Kangra Valley May 18, 2013  

Thanks for sharing this great post here.