07 September 2012

Coalgate Scam One family one company got 10 Coal blocks Jayaswal family

Coalgate Scam One family one company got 10 Coal blocks Jayaswal family

Indian government gave away free of cost black coalmines that is more costly than diamond mines in a country where poor man does not even get a free pure water.

Few days back CBI raided five companies, in that raid three companies are owned by only one family that is the Nagpur-based Jayaswals.
Ramesh manages Jayaswal Neco Group.
Father is group chairman. Manoj heads Abhijeet Group.

Jayaswal family owned business got the allocation of 10 coal blocks that is
more than 900 million tonnes of coal.

Magic is that they got 10 coal blocks but only one project is on the ground.
Neco company a steel plant is owned and run by Jayaswal family, which is situated in the industrial area of Siltara outside Raipur.
Basant Lal Jayaswal is head of the company and company is managed by his son Ramesh Jayaswal and Manoj Jayaswal.
Jayaswal NECO group has three coal blocks
Chattisgarh: Gare Palma 11/14 Gare Palma IN/18 Jharkhand: Moitra These add up to 447 mn tonnes

Later Manoj Jayaswal parted from Neco company and he took control of companies under his own banner Abhijeet Group.

Jayaswal family also holds jointly stake in the AMR Iron and Steel company, which was raided by CBI.
Few people think that AMR means Arvind, Manoj, and Ramesh.
Arvind is their older brother.
AMR Iron and Steel (jointly held).
AMR Iron and Steel, allocated a 31 mn tonne block Bander, Maharashtra Between them, 10 blocks and 917 mn tonnes of coal

Manoj held the stake in the JLD Yavatmal also.
JLD Yavatmal (Abhijeet Group & Darda Family)

Abhijeet Group was allotted six coal blocks.
Five blocks in Jharkhand.

Abhijeet group, which obtained three coal blocks in 2005 for a sponge iron plan the company, shown no progress in setting up the plant.

They were given only notices and action was never taken.

Five blocks Chhattisgarh: Fatehpur East (Allocated to JLD Yavatmal Energy) These six add up to 444 mn tonnes of coal

JAS Infrastructure (Abhijeet Group).

Now question is how is it possible  one  family got the 10 coal blocks?

Suggested Reading -

Coalgate: One family that struck gold in coal mines

Reality views by sm –

Friday, September 07, 2012

Tags – Coalgate Scam


virendra sharma September 08, 2012  

All on paper ,good digging for the facts.