12 July 2012

31% Accused Criminals politicians will choose the President of India Shame for India

31% Accused Criminals politicians will choose the President of India Shame for India

30% of Lok Sabha members had declared criminal cases against them at the time of filing nomination for election, 16% Rajya Sabha members have criminal record.

More than 30% members of parliament (MPs) legislators (MLAs/MLCs) who will cast vote in presidential election have criminal cases pending against them in police record.

48% politicians who will vote are Crorepatis.
Uttar Pradesh has the maximum number of crorepati votes followed by Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh.

In terms of percentage, Goa has the highest percentage of crorepatis voters (92%) followed by Punjab (86%) and Haryana (72%).

The total numbers of MPs 776 are and legislators are 4120.
These MPs and legislators (taken together the number is 4896) constitute the Electoral College which votes in the presidential elections.
Each member of the Electoral College has votes in proportion to the population of the state he/she represents.

National Election Watch (NEW) and Association of Democratic Reforms (ADR)  analyzed the affidavits of 4835 members of the Electoral College, which includes 772 MPs and 4063 legislators from all the state of India.

As per the data from ECI, out of the total 4896 MPs/MLAs who are entitled to vote, only 418 or 9% are women

The analysis revealed that 1448 members 31% have criminal cases against them.
Based on the number of votes that these tainted MPs/MLAs/MLCs represent (31%) of total 1089287 votes.

Number of legislators with declared criminal cases
Uttar Pradesh (189 out of 403 MLAs)
Maharashtra (146 out of 287 MLAs analyzed)
Bihar (139 out of 241 MLAs analyzed)

However, in terms of percentage of 'tainted' votes among state assemblies, Jharkhand has the highest tainted votes with 74% followed by Bihar with 58% and Maharashtra - 51%.

641 have declared serious criminal cases like rape, murder, attempt to murder, kidnapping, robbery, extortion etc.

There are 141 MPs/MLAs/MLCs who have murder charges against them, 352 have attempt to murder charges, 145 have theft charges, 90 have kidnapping charges and 75 have dacoity charges.

Six MPs/MLAs/MLCs have declared rape charges in their affidavits.

They are
Kandikunta Venkata Prasad of TDP from Kadiri constituency in Andhra Pradesh

Jethabhai G Ahir of BJP from Shehra constituency in Gujarat

Mohammad Aleem Khan of BSP from Bulandshahar constituency in Uttar Pradesh

Anoop Sanda of SP from Sultanpur constituency in Uttar Pradesh

Manoj Kumar Paras of SP from Nagina constituency in Uttar Pradesh

Bhagwan Sharma of SP from Debai constituency in Uttar Pradesh

Among MPs, Lok Sabha has 11% women votes and Rajya Sabha 10%.

Among State assemblies,
West Bengal has the maximum amount of women votes with 12231 votes out of 44394 (34 out of 294 MLAs),
followed by Uttar Pradesh with 6656 votes out of 83824(32 out of 403 MLAs)
and Bihar with 5882 votes out of 42039 (34 out of 243 MLAs).

In terms of percentage, among state assemblies, the highest percentage of women votes is from Bihar with 14% followed by Rajasthan with 14% and West Bengal 12%.

Source -  NEW, ADR, TOI

Suggested Reading –

26 Election Reforms Required for India to make India corruption free India


Reality views by sm –

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Tags – Criminal Politicians Vote President Elections


Arti July 13, 2012  

The story of India, sadly.
Nice post sm.

SG July 13, 2012  

Nice one. 30% of Lok Sabha members and 16% of Rajya Sabha members, combined together, are no match for Mr. M. Karunanidhi. South never gets publicity in North.

Irfanuddin July 13, 2012  

how unfortunate....
its a matter of concern that we always ruled by those who are unfit to rule...:(

Destination Infinity July 13, 2012  

I wonder why people have elected them in the first place? If people don't think/verify for whom they are voting, this is what will happen.

Destination Infinity