01 June 2012

New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg to Ban Sugary Drinks to curb Obesity Banning Sugary drinks will it reduce obesity in NY

New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg to Ban Sugary Drinks  to curb Obesity
Banning Sugary drinks will it reduce obesity in New York

The Mayor of New York, Michael Bloomberg, is calling for a municipal ban on sales of super-sized sugary drinks in an attempt to tackle obesity.

The Mayor of New York, Michael Bloomberg has already banned smoking in New York City and outlawed trans-fats in restaurants and forced chain restaurants to put calorie-counts on menus.
He successfully got sugary drinks out of city and school vending machines,

Research suggests that 58% of adults in New York are obese or overweight.

The Mayor of New York, Michael Bloomberg wants to stop the city's restaurants, delis, sports stadiums and cinemas from selling large sizes of sweetened soft drinks.

How the Sugary drinks will get banned in New York?

What is the proposal of  Mayor regarding  sugary drinks ban?

The ban applies only to drinks that contain more than 25 calories per 8 ounces.

The proposal defines sugary drinks as beverages that are "sweetened with sugar or another caloric sweetener that contain more than 25 calories per 8 fluid ounces and contains less than 51 percent milk or milk substitute by volume as an ingredient."

Under the proposals, any bottles of sugary drinks larger than 16 ounces would be taken out of the refrigerators in cafes while extra-large options will disappear from restaurant menus.

The proposed ban on sugary drinks requires the approval of the city's Board of Health. It will be submitted to the board on June 12.

Banning Sugary drinks will it reduce obesity?

Banning sugary drinks will not reduce the obesity problem of any American citizen or  global  citizen.

Mayor is planning to ban  Big Sugary drinks.

The ban applies only to drinks that contain more than 25 calories per 8 ounces.

What Mayor will do if a customer drinks 5 small bottles of Sugary Soda.

Companies will offer buy 2 and get 2 free small bottles then what Mayor will do?

What about the first amendment right?

What about potato chips, cakes, hotdogs, watching TV.

Soda is not responsible for the obesity.

Obesity is the result of the many mistakes and eating complete wrong diet every day.

So if you love the big Soda don’t worry  I think he will not succeed in banning the Sugary Soda.

Suggested Reading –

Know 20 Harmful Side Effects of Drinking Soft drinks

Reality views by sm –

Friday, June 01, 2012

Tags -  New York Ban Sugary Soda Mayor


jamos jhalla June 01, 2012  

Good Inspiring Information

Usha June 01, 2012  

sm, I am surprised to read Mayor's decision to ban sugary drinks to control obesity...I agree people may take multiple drinks and here refills are always free. I agree obesity is result of improper diet and lack of exercise.

I hope Mayor initiates New yorkers to adapt to healthy eating habits than banning soda.

Content Hedgehog June 01, 2012  

But... I love super-sized sugary drinks... Good thing I don't live in New York.

Michael June 01, 2012  

That's retarded, we don't need him making decisions for us.